Rock n roll or rock artist/group

For the research essay, choose a mainstream Rock’n’roll or Rock artist/group NOT covered in the lectures and readings and write a 2000-word (maximum, excluding sources/bibliography) case study of how they fit into the history of Rock based on the following criteria: 1) Artistic lineage: Who were they influenced by? What later artists did they influence? 2) Musical style: What were their musical strengths and appeal? What were their musical innovations (if any)? 3) Business: What was their level of commercial success?flow were they marketed? What noteworthy conditions or business strategies were at play in their success (if any)? 4) Historical and cultural significance: How prominently do they figure into the ongoing narrative of Rock history? What cultural significance (if any) do they have beyond the music business? Do they corroborate or counter our course narrative? How?

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