Rites of Passage: Anand Karaj

You must identify the three stages of a rite of passage (in this case the rite of passage is Anand Karaj) as defined by Arnold van Gennep.

Thesis: Anand Karaj, the Sikh marriage ceremony, acts as a rite of passage allowing two individuals, to unite as one soul in front of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji and identify as husband and wife. We can assess this transition using Van Gennep’s three stages to account for the transition into their new roles within the eyes of the community and God.
Please make sure to familiarize yourself with the Sikh Culture, the ceremonies prior to the wedding, the Anand Karaj (which is the main wedding ceremony) and the ceremony/event after the wedding & the three stages of a rite of passage as defined by Arnold van Gennep.

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