Rhetorical Analysis of a film from PBS Frontline.

To prepare for this assignment, watch one film from PBS Frontline that is no older than ten years. This
means that if we are in the year 2019, you should not choose a film that is from 2008 or before. Choose a
film that interests you. There are hundreds from which to choose.
Answer the following questions:

  1. Write a one paragraph summary of the film. Paste the link to the video and provide the title of the video at
    the beginning of your paragraph.
    Answer in one paragraph that includes 4-6 sentences
  2. Regarding the film, what information or features cue you in to the fact that this is a documentary film
    about a newsworthy issue? In other words, how does the way in which this director uses elements such as
    cinematography, music, narration, interviews, etc., indicate the genre of the film?
    Answer in one paragraph that includes 4-6 sentences
  3. Which moments in the film did you find most intriguing? Did you have strong reactions to any particular
    scenes or stories? Which ones and why?
    Answer in one paragraph that includes 4-6 sentences
  4. Most documentary films try to present a problem (or problems) and potential solutions. Describe in your
    own words the problem presented in the film. What needs correcting in our environment or our society? Use
    examples from the film to illustrate.
    Answer in 3-5 sentences
  5. Do you agree with the solutions presented? Describe why or why not. If no solutions are presented, what
    solutions would you present? Use examples from the film to illustrate.
    Answer in 4-6 sentences
  6. Describe your overall impression of this film as well as your position in regards to the issue as presented
    in the film. Use examples from the film to illustrate.
    Answer in one paragraph that includes 4-6 sentences
  7. Craft an analytical thesis that identifies the pattern you observe or a decision you have made about the
    film. Refer to Chapter 4-5a at the end of Chapter 4 to learn more about an analytical thesis.
    Answer in 1-2 sentences

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