Revelation 3:14-22

Exegetical Paper on the bible verse of Revelation 3:14-22
This research paper must have 6 pages (double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, excluding the works cited and title pages) that provides a detailed,
in-depth interpretation Revelation 3.14-22.
The paper must include the following sections—clearly labeled—laid out in the Gorman textbook (seeGorman, pp. 285–309 for two examples). You must
write enough so that you complete each of the components below, but the “detailed analysis” section should comprise your main section (aim for 1.5–2
pages on this section).
i.) Introduction
ii.) Historical Context
iii.) Literary Context
iv.) Form (Genre), Structure, Movement
v.) Detailed Analysis
vi.) Synthesis/Conclusion
vii.) Theological Reflection
viii.) Bibliography
You must use 6 scholarly sources (Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias, word-study tools, commentaries, and peer-reviewed journal articles) and you must
complete a bibliography of sources cited as well. Do not use sources published earlier than 1950. Websites are not acceptable sources for this paper

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