Resit Assessment Brief – Second Sitting

Resit Assessment Brief – Second Sitting
Number of copies to be submitted: Where on-line submission via ‘MyCourse/Turnitin’ is used, students are not required to submit a hard copy.
Anonymous Marking
This assessment will:
(a) be marked anonymously
Background Information
As a recent Business Management graduate, you have recently joined a consultancy firm that works with local, national and international firms in developing operational strategies with a view to increasing profitability.In an effort to potentially secure future business contracts, your Manager has asked you to deliver a presentation at a local Southampton Business Networking event on the following topic:


Along with your presentation, you will also be preparing a report contextualising the key points within your presentation for the local market (ie for those attending the event to take away with them). This report will provide you not only with the opportunity to showcase your company’s knowledge & operational expertise, but will serve as a valuable marketing tool when looking to arrange prospective client meetings. As is the case with such events, it is also anticipated that the report will contain additional information to that presented at the event.

Within your presentation & report, you will need to establish the ‘currency’ of the issue you are presenting (through academic & industry research), why it is of relevance to the audience and make relevant recommendations that would be both of practical & relevant use. Furthermore, it will be essential to remember that one of the goals of your report & presentation is to deliver a potential marketing ‘pitch’ for prospective clients.

Assessment Task
You are to prepare a written briefing report of 2500 words that meets this brief. Within this report, you are to include a copy of the powerpoint slides you would use, should you deliver the actual presentation at such a networking event. These powerpoint slides should be included in an appendix and should not exceed 10 in number (please refer to the note above when submitting your slides via turnitin).
This report should clearly set the scene for use as a potential marketing tool.

Your research must focus on current, credible academic and industry research relating to the issue.

You are only required to focus your report on local businesses within the Southampton area within one identified sector. You are not required to look at different sectors (as this would in all likelihood contain too much information!).

You will be required to provide evidence that you can meet the key criteria above. Additionally, you will also be required to ensure that you can demonstrate a solid understanding of the topic identified (ie ‘sustainability’).

This report will also provide you with the opportunity to showcase your relevant professional skills (ie in a written format) that employers will expect to see from potential employees.

Students will be required to investigate additional information to that covered in lectures and seminars in order to make practical recommendations and demonstrate an application of key concepts covered. Students will also be required to provide a list of references at the end of their report (as well as appropriate citations within the report itself). Any references should be in the Harvard method of referencing.
Assessment criteria
For the resit presentation assessment, students will be allocated an individual mark.
The marking scheme is attached to this assessment brief and students are advised to look at the different marking categories when preparing this assessment.

A summary of the key marking areas are as follows:
Introduction – 20%
Content – 30%
Recommendations – 20%
Report Viability – 30%

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