Report on an issue involved in managing projects, using the MS Project software
Report on an issue involved in managing projects, using the MS Project software
Order Description
The Langton’s Construction Company is preparing a bid to build a new 47,000 seatsoccer stadium in Brisbane. The construction must start 1st May 2015, and be completed before 8thMarch 2018, in time for the start of the 2018 season. A penalty clause of $100,000 per day of delay from March 8, 2018, is written into the contract. Ben Keith, the president of the company could make a profit of as much as $4 million on the project. He also said if they are successful, the prospects for future projects are excellent since there is a projected renaissance in the building classic stadiums with modern luxury boxes for soccer in Australia.
Given the information provided in Table 1, construct a detailed Gantt chart for the stadium project and answer the following questions:
1. What is the project completion date, and will the project be completed by the March 8st, 2018 deadline?
2. How long will the project take (days)?
3. What is the critical path for the project?
4. To sell enough boxes by the launch date, the stadium has determined it must start advertising 5 months before the “Final handover” finish date. Create a milestone on your schedule called “Start advertising” for when this should occur.
5. Based on the likely completion schedule and potential penalties for late completion, would you recommend that Langton’s pursue this contract? Detail your reasons why you came to this conclusion and include a one page Gantt chart for the stadium schedule.
Structure details: Outdoor soccer stadium with retractable roof
The project begins with clearing and setting up the site, including some on-site demolition of existing buildings, which is necessary to create a construction stage for storing materials and equipment. Once the site is clear, work can start on the structure itself. The project is broken down into four zones, to allow work to be carried out concurrently at different stages within all four zones.
Work on the stadium begins by driving 160 support pilings, which will take 160 days. Next comes the pouring of the lower concrete bowl (180 days). Once the lower concrete bowl is poured and the construction site has been set up, then pouring of the main concourse (180 days), the installation of the playing field (90 days), and the construction of the upper bowl can occur (180 days).
Once the main concourse and upper bowl are completed, work can start simultaneously on building the luxury boxes (90 days), installing the seats (140 days) and installing stadium infrastructure (150 days) which includes: all services, as well as bathrooms, lockers, restaurants, etc. Once the seats are installed then the steel canopy can be constructed (75 days), whilst the installation of the lights (30 days) and AstroVision (30 days), needs the stadium infrastructure to be installed first.
The retractable roof represents the most significant technical challenge to the project. Building the roof track support (100 days) can begin after the lower concrete bowl is constructed. After the roof track supports are complete, the dimensions of the roof can be finalized and the construction of the roof at a separate site can begin (200 days). After the rooftrack supports are completed then the roof tracks can be installed (90 days). Once the tracks and the roof are completed the roof can be installed and made operational (90 days). Once all activities are completed it will take 55 days to test and commission the services, inspect the stadium, make good any defects and carry out the final handover.
1. The following holidays are observed:
• New Years Day- January 1st
• Australia Day – 26th January,
• Good Friday
• Easter Monday
• Labour Day
• Anzac Day – 25th April
• Ekka Day
• Queen’s Birthday
• December 25 and 26
2. If a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, the holiday time is taken in lieu.
3. Allow for a two week industry shutdown at Christmas time –inclusive of public holidays.The shutdown commences on a Monday, the week of December 25th.
4. Allow for Rostered Days Off (RDOs)
5. RDOs generally fall on a Monday, but can be moved relative to public holidays, to maximise the benefit to workers (see Appendix B: RDOs)
6. All employees work a 40hr week, from Monday through Friday.
a) Dates for Easter Sunday from now until the end of the millennium, can be calculated (it’s really all to do with the phases of the moon) and are available with a quick Google search for “Easter Dates”.
b) RDOs are moved (where required) to ensure they don’t clash with standard public holidays.
c) The project schedule should include milestones and resources. There are no restrictions on the number of milestones or resources.
The hours of work shall be 152 hours within a work cycle not exceeding 28 consecutive days.
This allows the hours to be arranged so that 152 hours are worked over 19 working days, and the twentieth day (but not necessarily the last) day in the cycle is the RDO.
Employees will not accrue a RDO credit for a day of absence, other than on annual leave, long service leave, public holidays, paid personal/carer’s leave, Christmas shutdown, workers compensation, paid compassionate leave, paid training leave, or jury service.
TABLE 1 WBS Activity Duration Predecessor(s)
Project_1 Football Stadium
Project_1.1 Clear Stadium Site
Project_1.1.1 Set-up Site Fencing 5 days
Project_1.1.2 Arrange Site Signage 5 days
Project_1.1.3 Demolish and Remove Existing Buildings 30 days 3,4
Project_1.1.4 Excavate and Level Site 40 days 5,9
Project_1.2 Set up Construction Site
Project_1.2.1 Arrange Temporary Services 20 days
Project_1.2.2 Deliver and Set-Up Hoardings and Site Sheds 20 days 3,8FF
Project_1.2.3 Site Survey and Set Out 10 days 6,9
Project_1.3 Support Piling
Project_1.3.1 Mobilise and Set-up Piling Rig 5 days 10
Project_1.3.2 Install Support Piles – Zone A 40 days 12
Project_1.3.3 Install Support Piles – Zone B 40 days 13
Project_1.3.4 Install Support Piles – Zone C 40 days 14
Project_1.3.5 Install Support Piles – Zone D 40 days 15
Project_1.4 Construct Lower Bowl
Project_1.4.1 Excavate Lower Bowl Foundations 20 days 13
Project_1.4.2 FRP Lower Bowl – Zone A 45 days 13,18SS+5 days
Project_1.4.3 FRP Lower Bowl – Zone B 45 days 14,19
Project_1.4.4 FRP Lower Bowl – Zone C 45 days 15,20
Project_1.4.5 FRP Lower Bowl – Zone D 45 days 16,18,21
Project_1.5 Construct Main Concourse
Project_1.5.1 FRP Main Concourse – Zone A 45 days 19
Project_1.5.2 FRP Main Concourse – Zone B 45 days 20,24
Project_1.5.3 FRP Main Concourse – Zone C 45 days 21,25
Project_1.5.4 FRP Main Concourse – Zone D 45 days 22,26
Project_1.6 Install Playing Field 90 days 22
Project_1.7 Construct Upper Bowl
Project_1.7.1 FRP Upper Bowl – Zone A 45 days 19
Project_1.7.2 FRP Upper Bowl – Zone B 45 days 30,20
Project_1.7.3 FRP Upper Bowl – Zone C 45 days 31,21
Project_1.7.4 FRP Upper Bowl – Zone D 45 days 32,22
Project_1.8 Install Seats 140 days 33
Project_1.9 Build Luxury Boxes 90 days 27,33
Project_1.10 Stadium Infrastructure 150 days 27,33
Project_1.11 Install AstroVision 30 days 36
Project_1.12 Construct Steel Canopy 75 days 34
Project_1.13 Light Installation 30 days 38,36
Project_1.14 Construct Retractable Roof
Project_1.14.1 FRP Roof Supports – Zone A 25 days 19
Project_1.14.2 FRP Roof Supports – Zone B 25 days 41,20
Project_1.14.3 FRP Roof Supports – Zone C 25 days 42,21
Project_1.14.4 FRP Roof Supports – Zone D 25 days 43,22
Project_1.14.5 Install Steel Roof Frame – Zone A 50 days 41
Project_1.14.6 Install Steel Roof Frame – Zone B 50 days 42
Project_1.14.7 Install Steel Roof Frame – Zone C 50 days 43
Project_1.14.8 Install Steel Roof Frame – Zone D 50 days 44
Project_1.14.9 Install Roof Tracks 90 days 48
Project_1.14.10 Install Retractable Roof Cover 90 days 49
Project_1.15 Test and Commission Services 30 days 35,36,37,39,50
Project_1.16 Inspection and Defect Rectification 20 days 28,35,36,39,51
Project_1.17 Final Handover 5 days 52
Criteria 7
17 – 20 marks
Assurance of Learning goal 1.2: Apply technical and technological skills appropriate and effective for real world business purposes and contexts
Work Breakdown Schedule (WBS) and
Gantt chart using MS Project (or other project management software)
Detailed WBS and corresponding Gantt chart showing all tasks, stages, dependencies, durations, total and freefloat.
Identification of relevant milestones and the critical path.
Resources logically and correctly allocated. All predecessors also appropriately assigned.
Minimum completion time correctly identified.
Assurance of Learning goal 2.1: Investigate real world business issues and situations through effective analysis, evaluation and synthesis of theory and practice
Responses to questions 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the case study
Responses demonstrate a thorough analysis of the issues related to the project’s path, progression and take-up and highly appropriate application of project management theory
Assurance of Learning goal 2.2: Exercise independent judgementand initiative in adapting and applying knowledge for effective planning, problem solving and decision making in diverse contexts
Response to question 5 of the case study
Recommendation takes complete account of completion schedule and penalties and is fully justified