Relationship between psychology and Christianity

choose a model from the course text that most closely aligns with your approach to the relationship
between psychology and Christianity. Please follow the following format:
● Integration Paper Assignment must include
o Current APA-formatted title page
o Introduction (including a thesis statement)
o Body
o At least 5 pages in length (excluding references and title page)
o Conclusion
o Current APA-formatted headings
o Current APA-formatted reference page
▪ Be sure to cite Entwistle and the Bible
▪ No direct quotes
● For the introductory paragraph:
o Describe the importance of examining the relationship between psychology and
o The last sentence of the introduction must be your thesis statement that guides the rest
of your paper.
▪ Example: Upon consideration of the evidence from various disciplines of
study, it seems like the (model chosen) best captures the relationship between
psychological science and Christian faith.
● In writing about your position, be sure to discuss the following points below and remember
to cite Entwistle when you use his ideas:
o What methods of knowing are appropriate for Christians and why. This will help you
classify your approach and should be consistent with the model chosen.
o A thorough description of the model and how it views the relationship between
psychology and Christianity.
o How your model views the two books concept.
o Strengths of the model (at least 3).
o Limitations of the model (at least 3)

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