Relational Database in MS Access.

Develop a relational Database in MS Access. The database must have a minimum of THREE tables. Each database must also have one input form and one report. The input form and report must be fed by a query, and not the tables.

Step 1: Define the problem that requires the database as a solution. The Key to GOOD DB development is to DEFINE – DEFINE – DEFINE!!!!

Step 2: Design the database. Develop the ERD of the database you will build in MS Access.
The ERD must show:

  1. Entities (people, places, things, concepts). Entities equate to tables.
  2. Attributes – the characteristics of the entities. Attributes equate to columns.
  3. Primary Keys – the identifiers of the various instances of the entities (shown by a solid
    underline of the attribute).
  4. Foreign Keys – the way Entities are “linked” through the relationships (shown by a
    dashed underline of the attribute or with a “(FK)” next to the name of the attribute).
  5. Cardinality – the types of relationships between the entities (1:1, 1:N, M:N). Use crows
    feet to show the many side of the relationships.

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