
The essay should be in-depth and thoughtful reflection on how you are feeling and experiencing the material. This is a place to ponder, ask questions, process feelings. Some of our subject matter may be controversial, so use the reflection to be honest with how you are feeling. Are you learning anything new, and if so, how is that changing or re-enforcing your beliefs about popular culture? Are you surprised about anything we are covering in class? Does the material, Ted Talks, readings etc…create a space for you to think more critically about the forms of popular culture mediums that we consume in our daily lives? You can also use the reflection essays as a space for brainstorming ideas for your other assignments. This is your place to really process the material in class, but also what you notice in the world around you, what you notice in your own life, and what you read or see in terms of popular culture. For example, if you read a particular magazine, are you now reading it with new eyes?

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