Reading Response

Reading Response

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This is an one page response, i am a language student, please use simple and easy words or sentences. Or my teacher will know it is not my writing level. Thank you.
I will upload my Research Integration in files and i will upload pictures of “The Post-Draft Outline” in HCM (pg. 213-217)
For this final (!) Reading Response, please

1. Read “The Post-Draft Outline” in HCM (pg. 213-7)

2. Answer as many of the questions in the chapter’s bulleted lists as you’d like to fill 1+ page, double spaced (no heading).

You might choose to do a longer, thoughtful answer for one or two questions, or you could answer 5 questions with less detail.
Either way is OK–the most important part is YOUR learning and thinking as you get ready to revise and re-see your paper.
Use your Research Integration for this activity.

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