Radicalization puzzle by Hafez and Mullins

1) What is the radicalization puzzle by Hafez and Mullins?

2)Describe how Jesse Morton became a radical and how he recruited individuals to his
organization Revolution Muslim.

3)Explain Horgan’s Profiles to Pathways and roots to routes article.

4)What role does social identity play in radicalization?

5)How do crises play a role in the radicalization efforts of extremist? Consider crises narratives.

6) Who is Abdi Nor Iftin and how does his story describe how the recruitment of an individual to a terror organization can occur? What does the role of violence play in this recruitment?

7)Regarding extremist groups: What are the push factors? What are the pull factors?

8)An act of terrorism is described as only the tip of the iceberg. Why is this true? Why should we consider catalyst factors in preventing violent extremism?

9)How can CVE be effective? What conditions are necessary?

10) Identify and discuss three of the major findings from Gill, Horgan, and Deckert (2014) Bombing Alone article.

11)Why does group radicalization precede individual radicalization?

12)What is the difference between the “power seeker and the true believer”?

13)Who was Timothy McVeigh and describe some of the processes that lead to him commit the acts that he did at the the Alfred P. Murrah building in OKC.

14)Why should we consider the 2016 Dallas Police Incident as a terror attack?

15)What impact does social media and technology (especially communication) have on terrorism?

16)Who is Omar Hammami and what can be learned from his exchanges with Berger?

17)What impact do global migration and demographic changes have on the status quo of individuals? How does this impact extremism?

18)How did Horgan describe CVE? What is the future of CVE?

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