Quality Management
Quality Management
3000 words needed for this assignment.
12 references needed for this assignment.
Use this textbook as one of the reference.
Jabri, M (2012) Managing organizational change: process, social construction and dialogue. London : Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN 13: 9780230244085
Please refer to the marking rubric for guidance and mark distribution in the bottom.
The questions relate to each other, so be certain to read all five elements of this assessment before you begin.
1) Identify two theoretical concepts of organizational change and explain how each is discussed in the textbook, the academic readings provided in module two and in your wider reading. Go on to write a definition of organizational change using your own words. (400 words).
Text book : Jabri, M (2012) Managing organizational change: process, social construction and dialogue. London : Palgrave Macmillan
I attached the file for the academic reading under the name selecting the best theory to implement planned change
2) Using an organization you are familiar with (you may use information in the public domain, i.e. from organizational websites and other forms of media to assist you): (choose a well known organization)
• Write a brief introduction about the organization
• Identify a change that is happening within it.
• Go on to explain how your definition (from Question 1 above) is relevant to the change occurring in this organization. (600 words).
3) Draw up a SWOT analysis to assess what has caused the need for the organizational change you identified in (Question 2 above). In your own words, (but using references to support you) identify and critically evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using a SWOT analysis to determine the need to change. (750 words).
4) Using the textbook and wider reading, identify, explain and critically assess the role of the change agent in the organization. (750 words).
Textbook: Jabri, M (2012) Managing organizational change: process, social construction and dialogue. London : Palgrave Macmillan
5) Define problem-centric and dialogic approaches to change. Critically assess the benefits and drawbacks of each of these approaches. Go on to identify which of these approaches you would prefer to use to manage the change you identified in (Question 2) and explain why. (1000 words).
Marking Criteria:
Question 1: (10 marks)
Identification and explanation of theoretical concepts of organizational change are comprehensive, coherent and clearly based on the textbook and related readings, with all references provided. The definition of organizational change reflects the components present in the literature comprehensively and is clearly written from the student’s perspective.
Question 2: (10 marks)
The student provides rich and comprehensive detail about the organization that will enable an in-depth further examination. The section is written succinctly, drawing out the main points and issues relating to an internal change. The relevance of the change definition to the change occurrence is clearly set out, assessed and evaluated.
Question 3: (20 marks)
The SWOT analysis is thorough, clearly set out and conclusions are drawn that emanate from the analysis. The critical evaluation clearly demonstrates a high level ability to assess and evaluate the benefits and drawbacks draws on theory and its relation to practice that is original and supported by readings and/or alternative perspectives.
Question 4: (20 marks)
The role of the change agent is explained and supported through textbook and modules, and exceeds this by drawing on wider reading. The critical assessment draws deeply on theoretical perspectives to explore and critically assess the role of the change agent, using practice to illustrate points made.
Question 5: (30 marks)
Shows deep critical reflection of and engagement with problem centric and dialogic approaches to change. A strong and reasoned argument, supported by wider reading is made to support the preferred approach. Integrates examples of practice into the line of argument.
Academic and professional communication skills: (10 marks)
Structure uses clear and concise topic and linking sentences, and connected paragraphs. Sophisticated level of professional language achieved. Paragraphs succinct with excellent ability with grammar, vocabulary and spelling. Impeccable referencing in APA6. Outstanding presentation.