Proof of Concept (Project)


  1. You will be provided with access to an open public dataset in the form of one or more spreadsheet tables. This will be announced at the start of the module.
  2. Develop an online resource based on the supplied dataset. Your resource is expected to draw on a broad range of the digital methods covered during the module, and demonstrate your ability to select, use and evaluate the supplied dataset using these.
  3. Your resource must introduce the dataset and provide some broader context for its interpretation. It must provide an overview of the data, with texts, charts, or other graphics to illustrate some of the key overall characteristics of the dataset which you have identified.
  4. Your resource must also highlight and discuss the detail of the dataset, providing some illustrative comparisons for categories of the data, and / or an interactive tool or dashboard to allow non-specialist users to explore the data for themselves.
  5. Your resource must also include some multimedia content to help illustrate the dataset you are presenting, its overall characteristics, and key details. An example of this could be a narrated slidecast or animation.
  6. Your online resource can use any system through which to be represented, but WordPress or Google Sites are recommended. You are not required to write any computer program in order to analyse or visualise your data, but you may do so if you wish.
  7. Any third party ideas, text, images, or other media must be fully acknowledged using the Roehampton Harvard style for referencing, with a hyperlink to the source if online.
  8. You will receive the same grade for this element of the assignment, which is worth 75% of the marks for this component.
  9. In addition to the collaborative resource, you must submit an individual critical reflection on the development of the resource, discussing your overall approach to the analysis and the methods selected. You should include references to supporting literature. The critical reflection should be 500 words (+/- 10%), and carries 25% of the marks for this component.

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