Project Statement

In this project, you are tasked to design and implement a solution to a normal everyday
problem using digital logic concepts learned in this semester.
Design a car safety alarm system that adheres to the conditions below. The system has 4
inputs. Each input can be assigned a one-bit value, 0 (false) or 1 (true).
• Door sensor (D): off (0)->closed door, on (1) ->open door
• Key in sensor (K): off (0)->key is not in, on (1) ->key is in
• Lights on sensor (L): off (0)->lights are off, on (1) ->lights are on
• Window sensor (W): off (0)->window is closed (up), on (1) ->window is open (down)
The alarm should sound (i.e., assigned a value 1) if any of the following conditions is valid:
• The key is in and the door is not closed.
• The key is in, the door is closed, and the lights are on.
• The key is out, the door is closed, and the windows are open.
You need to show all design steps of your solution which includes, and not limited to, the
following outcomes:
1) Identify your inputs and output variables
2) Give the truth table of your solution
3) Express the output Boolean function in term its minterms using the sigma notation, i.e., Σ..
4) Use the K-map to express the output function in terms its minimal sum of minterms (in
5) Implement the simplified output expression, from point (4), using an AND-OR
6) Convert your implementation in previous point (5) to an all-NAND implementation.
7) Implement your design using either Multisim or Logisim. Consider both implementations,
(5) and (6).
8) Get the output of the implemented circuits in (7) and compare the obtained results with the
truth table results. Provide conclusion comments about this comparison.
The project is atomic.
Each student is required to submit the following
➢ A report detailing the design and operation of the system following the steps given above.
➢ A working simulated circuit (made in either Multisim or Logisim).
Submissions for the re ort and the circuit will be through Moodle, with the deadline being end
of the day

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