Principle Of Primary Health Care
Topic: Principle Of Primary Health Care
Order Description
Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and improve their health (WHO, 1986). Choose one illness/condition and discuss the role of the nurse/midwife in the five major strategies for health promotion identified in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (WHO, Health and Welfare Canada & CPHA 1986) (McMurray & Clendon, 2015, p64).
As above is the Essay task.
1 ) As a condition of disease i have chosen the Diabetes.
2) Essay Body structure will be using the Ottawa chart strategies for nursing role. (McMurray & Clendon, 2015, p64)..
The topic are Build healthy public policy , Creat Supportive environments , Strengthen Community action , Develop personal skill, Reorient health services. Please use those sub heading.
4 ) The main text book is Anne McMuarry & Jill Clendon 2015
5 ) The sources
Health promotion
World health Organization
Australian Health Promotion Association
Chronic disease in Australia
National Health priority areas
Arthritis video
Teenage with chronic conditions
6) Sources for references will have to use Journal article . Not more than five years old. Minimum 4 Journal article.
7 ) The word limit is 1500 and It can go over for 10% and less than 10 % as well.