Pretests/Post tests and Attrition

An explanation of what you think the social workers wanted to know when they designed the pre/posttest for
evaluating the parenting classes. Be sure to address the concept of attrition and whether or not you believe
they took that into account. Be sure to explain why. Then, analyze potential lessons learned from attrition.
Finally, explain how you might design a study to gather data about the effectiveness of these parenting
classes. Use the following questions to focus your thinking: Would you recommend a pre-experimental,
experimental, or quasi-experimental design?
Would the study involve measurement over time?
Would there be a control group?
In this group research design you imagine, what or who will be compared?
What limitations in terms of generalizability and internal validity can you anticipate based on the research plan
you envision?
What can you tell the social worker about the issue of client dropout (also called attrition or experimental
If there is no control group, what type of research design could answer the question: Is this parent training
class effective in reducing abusive parenting practices? Use the resources to support your answer.
Bauman, S. (2006). Using comparison groups in school counseling research: A primer. Professional School
Counseling, 9(5), 357–366.
Kohl, P. L., Kagotho, J., & Dixon, D. (2011). Parenting practices among depressed mothers in the child welfare
system. Social Work Research, 35(4), 215–225.
Leung, P., Erich, S., & Kanenberg, H. (2005). A comparison of family functioning in gay/lesbian, heterosexual
and special needs adoptions, Children and Youth Services Review, 27(9), 1031–1044
Moran, J., & Bussey, M. (2007). Results of an alcohol prevention program with urban American Indian youth.
Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 24(1), 1–21.
Pinderhughes, E. E., Dodge, K. A., Bates, J. E., Pettit, G. S., & Zelli, A. (2000). Discipline responses:
Influences of parents’ socioeconomic status, ethnicity, beliefs about parenting, stress, and cognitive-emotional
processes. Journal of Family Psychology, 14(3), 380–400.
Southerland, D., Mustillo, S., Farmer, E., Stambaugh, L., & Murray, M. (2009). What’s the relationship got to do
with it? Understanding the therapeutic relationship in therapeutic foster care. Child & Adolescent Social Work
Journal, 26(1), 49–63

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