Prepare a persuasive paper in the form of a letter in which you attempt to comvince your (hypothetical or real) manager to take a particular action related to an HR matter.

Prepare a persuasive paper in the form of a letter in which you attempt to comvince your (hypothetical or real) manager to take a particular action related to an HR matter.

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Your paper should be related to issues discussed in class, within our textbook, which must be cited as on of your references. Sample topics might include: why team-based rewards should be used instead of individual rewards, or why workplace diversity requires a change in the way the company socializes newcomers, why assigning mentors works less well than supporting junior workers efforts to network to senior colleagues.
Keep in mind that many bosses, yours included, may have little professional management training and even less knowledge of social science, so you need to explain the concepts.
Criteria for evaluating your paper will be based on 1) how effectively you marshal the best scientific evidence to make your case, 2) the extent you have made your case in a strong, truthful, and convincing manner, and 3) how well you use facts about the particular organization (again, real or hypothetical) to help you make your case (i.e. case facts).
Remember, evidence-based research includes: meta-analysis of research studies, systematic reviews of research articles, well-controlled longitudinal field studies or randomized controlled interventions, quasi-experimental studies, and cross-sectional studies, or scientific case or narrative studies. Be sure to compare your research to the textual information on your topic.

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