Practice of professional athlethes that helped intervene with PST

A. The study that is potrayd in this article is a case study. The thesis statement is, there were many profiles as well as psychologial assessments that were applied during the practice of professional athlethes that helped intervene with PST. What the psychologist is trying to test in this experiment is, what is the functional realtionship between emotional affect and performance within an athlete. The exprimental groups in this study were Division 1 athletes on the women’s varsity team. They wer all under 20, split into 2 groups and were given different circumstances to see their performance at the same sport outing. This study helps contribute to the abnormal psychology field because case studies help us distingush between emotions when looking at different groups of people. Emotions are very important because they help us see the development of someone’s brain and watch the abnormalities occur when certain emotions are triggered. Certain emotions can also stir up a mental disorder when experienced a lot due o the trauma generated by that singular emotion. We see the study of emotions in this study by watching the golfers play. They were given a specific time to work up to a final event and we can see their development through TOPS. Using TOPS as well as looking at a person’s IZOF we are able to see the development of their emotions over the course of their games. By the final tournament we are able to see the person’s emotions through the TOPS survey which helps develop a consensus of how the study was taken.

B. Introduction:
The one study that was explored in the chapter, I plan on discussing further and exploring more about is Analogue because I never heard of or learned about Analogue so when I read the chapter Analogue, right away caught my attention since its a very interesting topic that no one really talks about, unlike a case, correlational, experimental, and field studies. An analogue study is basically an investigation that attempts to replicate or simulate, under controlled conditions, a situation that occurs in real life, what that means is a type of experimental design where the participants or procedures used are similar but not identical to the situation of interest. The example I am going to discuss is a research article called “The relevance of analogue studies for understanding obsessions and compulsions” by Johnathan S. Abramowitz, Laura E. Fabricant, Steven Taylor, Brett J. Deacon, Dean Mckay, and Eric A. Storch. These authors explained and explored obsessive-compulsive symptoms and the related phenomena about it.
Based on their findings, the authors have concluded that whether findings from nonclinical analogue samples provide insight into the nature of Obsessive compulsion symptoms in clinical samples is dependent on the extent to which psychological processes and mechanisms are hypothesized to govern the development and maintenance of Obsessive complusion symptoms across different samples. It was assumed by the authors that the results derived from analogue samples could be generalizable to understanding the phenomena associated with Obessive compulsive disorder in individuals with a diagnosis of this disorder based on the assumption that the results derived from these samples would be relevant and generalizable. Among the five assumptions were (a) Obessive compulsion symptoms are prevalent in non-clinical populations, (b) they are dimensional rather than categorical, (c) they share similar etiologies, (d) they are phenomenologically similar across clinical and non-clinical populations, and (e) they are associated with the same development and maintenance factors in clinical and analogue samples (Abramowitz et al., 2014). Based on these assumptions, the findings of studies that addressed these assumptions strongly support the notion that analogue research is indeed relevant in a continuum of severity for individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder to better understand the phenomenon. Although the severity of Obsessive Compulsion Symptoms in non-clinical individuals differs, they are qualitatively indistinguishable from those found in clinical samples of Obsessive Compulsion Disorder patients. There are several advantages to using analog samples in research on obsessive compulsion related to psychopathology, even though studies using clinical samples can have immediate implications for understanding, assessing, and treating patients with obsessive compulsion, especially in practical settings.

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