
What is the main distinctive of “postmodernism”?2. How can the Christians know that truth is knowable?3. What is Paul’s patter of writing in his epistle relative to doctrine vs. practical living?4. What does “doctrine” mean?5. What did Jesus mean when He commanded us to “love God with all of our minds”?6. According to2 Corinthians 4, what is Satan’s main plan of attack?7. According to romans 12:1-2, what is the key to right living?8. According to 2 Corinthians 10, what are the “strongholds” that Paul was demolishing?9. Discuss how you can apply Philippians 4:8 to your life? What music do you listen to? Are the lyrics true, biblical,and moral or worldly, sensual and false? What are the books you read? Do the books you read prompt you to dwell on heavenly things or earthly thing? What TV shows do you watch? Do they comply with or contradict biblical truth? What is your mind dwelling on?10. What obligation does each Christian have to guard against false teaching that is prevalent in the church?

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