Physical and logical network design and topologies

Examine your current home network, and detail its structure in both a physical and logical network topology.
Activity Outcome: By completing this activity, you should be able to

  1. Demonstrate understanding of physical and logical network design and topologies
    Take a few minutes to explore your current home or apartment network, how many devices are there accessing the network? How many devices are transporting data across your LAN and out to the internet? How are these devices connected to each other? Remember to include Alexa and Google devices, Smart TV, Apple TVs and any other devices like tablets and cell phones.
    Use the drawing tool of your choice (I used Google Drawings, but you can draw on paper and take a picture then upload if you prefer), and create a physical topology of the main floor of your home. Place any network-connected devices and show how they are connected. Then, take that information and create a logical topology of the same network. Notice how the logical topology doesn’t look the same, and isn’t restricted to physical location?

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