
Summarize for me in five pages what Sober says in Chapter 19, pages 204 (start with the section titled “What is the Mind/Body Problem?”) to 207 (stop when you get to the section titled “An Analogy”) plus page 210 (the section titled “Descartes’ Second Argument for Dualism – The Divisibility Argument”). Your purpose is to state what question the mind-body amounts to and to give Descartes’ two answers to it. Critical question: in his section of “Problems for Further Thought” (pg. 211) Sober asks, in question 2, “Is a statue identical with the stone it is made of?” First, give me your intuitive answer to the question and second, consider it from the perspective of Leibniz’s Law, as characterized on pages 205-206 in your books. Would a person who agrees with Leibniz’s Law claim that the statue and the stone are different things or one thing? If so, why? please make sure to use your personal thoughts and opinion when you write the summary and when answering the questions. I will include the pages of the text that you need to write this paper

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