
Topic: philosophy

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PART I. Answer one of the questions below in 300-500 words

1. Is public relations a “practice”, in MacIntyre’s sense of the term? If so, what sort of internal goods can it yield? And what is the relationship between those IGs and the external goods MacIntyre discusses?
2. How does James Grimmelmann’s use of the concept “contextual privacy” alter more traditional understandings of what privacy is? Is contextual privacy a solution to concerns over privacy loss in digital environments? Why or why not?

3. How, according to Marc Andrejevic, do social media platforms “separate” users from control over the means of producing online sociality? Clearly explain the logic of separation, and how the term is used by Andrejevic to explain the corporate social media environment.??
4. What is digital dualism, and why does Nathan Jurgenson oppose it as a way of understanding our interaction with networked digital technologies? Is he correct?

PART II. Answer one of the questions below in 1,000-1,250 words

5. Identify Nancy Fraser’s main criticisms of Habermas’s conception of the bourgeois public sphere. Then briefly discuss and critique her proposals for ‘interrogating and reconstructing’ (see p. 57) Habermas’s analysis of the bourgeois public sphere.
?6. Offer a detailed analysis of the origin, purpose, and character of “#GamerGate”. Is it primarily concerned about corruption in video game journalism? If it’s not, what are its primary concerns? How can you tell? Read widely about the “movement,” (no fewer than 7 unique, long-form sources) and subject it to a critical analysis. Bring in ethical issues we’ve discussed in class where relevant (privacy, doxing, etc).

7. Compare the central concerns expressed by Zeynep Tufekci in “Computational Politics” with those of Marc Andrejevic in “Social Network Exploitation.” In what ways do their concerns overlap, thematically? How do they differ significantly, if at all? Which of the themes do you find to be the most important, and why? Specifically, what do the arguments of each suggest regarding their view on Spar’s contention (2001), that “those with power find ways to harness the power of new technologies and turn it into a means to further their own power?”

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