Personality Advancements in Psychology
Personality Advancements in Psychology
Order Description
How advancements in understanding Personality is contributing to more effective health interventions
1. Critically assess the contribution that understanding Personality to the discipline of psychology
• advancingKNOWLEDGE
• advancingSOCIETY
• solving of relevant societal issues or problems
2. Identify what is required in order to advance progress in Personality for future research
This is the main reference for the essay. Please use this as the basis for answering the question topic.–files/personality-influences-on-health-well-being/Friedman_Kern_2013_ann-rev-psych.pdf
Personality, Well-Being,
and Health*
Howard S. Friedman1 and Margaret L. Kern2
Marking Criteria
HD Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Introduction which includes (i) the topic and general significance, (ii) key theories and findings on this topic, and (iii) a brief outline.
An excellent opening paragraph is offered, including all sections as required.
No major problems with this paragraph is evident. A very good opening paragraph is offered, including all sections as required.
Minor problems with this paragraph are noted. A good opening paragraph is offered, including all sections as required.
However, some problems with this paragraph need further work.
A satisfactory opening paragraph is offered, including all sections as required.
However, some significant problems with this paragraph need addressing. The opening paragraph is unclear and one or more of the points to include in this paragraph is absent.
The Body of the Review: A critical literature review of the research already completed on the chosen research topic.
30% An excellent critical literature review has been offered, logically summarising knowledge in the research area to date.
A very good critical literature review has been offered, logically summarising knowledge in the research area to date.
A good critical literature review has been offered, logically summarising knowledge in the research area to date.
A satisfactory critical literature review has been offered, logically summarising knowledge in the research area to date.
Very limited literature has been reviewed.
Critical Thinking: (i) How this body of work represents advanced progress in the discipline of psychology, (ii) what are the implications of current research, and (iii) what are the challenges and future directions of the research on this topic .
30% An excellent critical analysis has been offered, critically and thoughtfully discussed the advanced progress, implications, and future directions.
A very good critical analysis has been offered, thoughtfully discussed the advanced progress, implications, and future directions.
A good critical analysis has been offered, well discussed advanced progress, implications, and future directions. A satisfactory critical analysis has been offered, discussed advanced progress, implications, and future directions. There is limited critique of the literature. Very limited discussion on advanced progress, implications, or future directions.
Structure and Planning: Excellent essay writing conventions are adhered to.
10% Review is well planned, logically argued and written with no major problems. There are minor problems with the planning, logical argument, and written expression. There are some problems with planning, logical argument, or written expression that needs further work. There are some significant problems with planning, logical argument or written expression that needs addressing. There is limited understanding of the planning, logical argument, and written expression conventions of a literature review.
10% At least 20 relevant and peer reviewed journal articles are used. All have been used appropriately and reviewed critically. At least 20 relevant and peer reviewed journal articles are used. Most have been used appropriately and reviewed critically. At least 20 relevant and peer reviewed journal articles are used. Most have been used appropriately and reviewed critically. However, there are some problems with the appropriateness of some of them. At least 20 relevant and peer reviewed journal articles are used. Some have been used and reviewed. However, there are some significant problems with the appropriateness of some of them, which needs addressing.
An inadequate number of relevant and peer-reviewed journal articles have been used. They are limited in their appropriateness and relevance to the topic.
APA formatting
5% Formatting is excellent throughout with only minor errors Formatting is very good throughout, with one or two minor issues that need work. Formatting is good throughout, with three or four minor issues that need work. Formatting is satisfactory throughout, but with one or more major issues that need attention.
There is limited understanding of APA formatting expected at this level.