Personal Statement applying for “Msc International Business “at HULT International Business School

Personal Statement applying for “Msc International Business “at HULT International Business School
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Hello, I am currently a Final year student at Queen Mary, University of London studying BA ‘Economics, Finance and Management “. I am applying for a masters degree in “International Business” at HULT International Business school.
Actually, I already made so many personal statements for many universities, but as I have exams this period, I don’t have time to write a specific one for HULT. So, I will send you a Personal Statement that I did for Kings College (for Banking and Finance MSc) and please use it as a base. Like for example, you can keep many sentences and ideas from my personal statement. And also I talked a lot about Finance and banking but in this one that you will write, you will obviously talk about Business (International business). I will also upload my CV to know more about myself and I will also upload the modules that I am studying at my university and this can help us in the personal statement as I studied some modules related to business like : Marketing, Business Law, Fundamentals of Management, Human resources, Managerial Accounting.
As I did a BA in “Economics, Finance and management in a British university (University of London), I want to try American system and explore my background in underground studies internationally (International business) and to have a good combination: (Economics Finance and management with International business). I also choose this School because It has campuses in USA, China, Dubai etc. I am so interested to do a rotation in 1 or 2 different campuses during my course: in DUBAI and USA (San Francisco). I enjoy traveling and explore new cultures and learn different languages. As you will see in my CV, I speak fluently: Arabic, French and English and I also speak a bit of Spanish. I did my high school in a French school in Morocco and after my Baccalaureate, I went to France for a year( BA Economics and Management, University Of Nice) then came to London UK ( Foundation year + University) . Anyway you will see all the details on my CV and Personal statement.
This is what HULT is asking me to do in my personal Statement:
Personal essay
“To help our Admissions team better understand you, tell us about your professional and personal achievements, and why you are a good fit for Hult (400-500 words).

Remember that the statement must be all your own work. Plagiarized personal statements will be grounds for rejection of your application. “

This is their Official Website : /

Please have a look on their website so you can have a better idea about my masters course that I am interested in and different rotations ( exchanges in different countries that they offer in this course :

You can also upload their brochure at the top right hand side of the website :
They also have a page on Facebook, twitter and linkedln.

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