Organizational Strategy

Organizational Strategy
Lesson: Strategic Frame
Write a 3 page executive brief for your selected organization, in which you detail the findings from your preliminary analysis of the organization’s strategy.
Note: Developing a comprehensive strategy assessment requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assignments in this course are presented in sequence and must be completed in order.
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
1. Competency 1: Apply strategic theories, models and tools to distinguish an organization’s strategy.
– Analyze an organization’s generic business and corporate strategies.

2. Competency 2: Analyze the strategic fit of an organization’s business model.
– Analyze an organization’s business model.

3. Competency 5: Analyze the strategic fit of the organization’s structure and business systems.
– Develop an executive brief with the organizational strategy analysis results.

4. Competency 6: Evaluate an organization’s strategic fit with the external industry environment.
– Analyze an organization’s corporate strategy.
– Analyze the product, geographical, and vertical scope in which an organization operates.

5. Competency 7: Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.

All organizations, no matter the type, have some mission to pursue—a purpose. The methods selected to achieve that purpose comprise the organization’s strategy. Grant and Jordan (2012) say strategy is not a detailed plan or set of instructions—it is the means by which organizations or individuals achieve their objectives.
Practically speaking, in order to achieve objectives, organizations have a value proposition—a product or service that is being offered in the market that purports to meet a customer’s need or is perceived by the customer as having value equal to or greater than the value of what she is willing to exchange, the price. How the organization goes about delivering the value proposition is what Grant and Jordan (2012) call a business strategy (competitive advantage). Cost leadership and differentiation are the two generic business strategies, but many organizations use a combination of these types, referred to as a hybrid business strategy. Every business that prospers, even nonprofits, have a business strategy that fits into these three generic types.
Not all organizations have a corporate strategy. Many smaller businesses are perfectly content with their position in the industry or market segment and with the products and services they offer. Other organizations choose to grow their business from their original scope, and some attempt to expand in other areas, in desperation. Grant and Jordan (2012) say that, “corporate strategy defines the scope of the organization in terms of the industries and markets in which it competes” (p. 18).
Generic types of corporate strategies include vertical integration that encompass the organization’s product scope and vertical scope that encompasses the organization’s involvement in the industry value chain. Diversification, expansion into another product line or field of operation is another generic type of corporate strategy. One might consider globalization and internationalization strategies similar to a hybrid business strategy, in that they require trade and direct investment, often to achieve diversification and vertical integration.
Grant, R. M., & Jordan, J. (2012). Foundations of strategy. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Assessment Instructions
Note: Developing a comprehensive strategy assessment requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assignments in this course are presented in sequence and must be completed in order.
In this course you will examine the comprehensive strategy assessment, which is a professional report to organizational stakeholders that communicates findings from an analysis of the organization’s strategy and its fit between the organization and the industry environment.
The comprehensive strategy assessment is a synthesis of the findings from three deliverables:
1. The strategic frame.
2. The strategic fit of the firm.
3. The strategic fit of the industry environment.

These deliverables are interim reports that reflect the fundamental view of strategy as the link between the organization and the industry environment and are the result of research and analysis that applies knowledge of strategy and strategy models.
The analysis of the strategic elements of the organization and the industry environment yield actionable insights which manifest as concerns and opportunities about the organization’s strategic fit, or what is referred to as strategic issues. The comprehensive strategy assessment is a critical evaluation of the organization’s strategic issues.
For this assignment, concentrate on the strategic frame. Complete the following to prepare:
1. Review the Virgin Case Study and Walgreens Case Study for a brief introduction of each organization. Select either Virgin or Walgreens to research for your strategic assessment; you will use the same organization throughout the course.

2. Review the memos before starting this assignment. They contain important information that will assist you in completing this assignment as well as the following assessments in this course. In addition, you may wish to review the handouts.

3. Once you have selected an organization, read Memo – Assignment 1 Terri Bell Introduction . Terri Bell is a vice president of strategy and the fictional character you communicate with for your selected case study. The memo will describe details and offer suggestions for success with this assignment.
Develop an executive brief to Terri Bell, the fictional vice president of strategy for your chosen organization. Communicate the findings from your preliminary analysis of the organization’s strategy as you complete the following.
a. Identify and analyze your chosen organization’s generic business and corporate strategies.

– How is the organization competing? Specifically, which of the three generic business strategies—cost, differentiation, or hybrid—has it established to supply customer needs and beat the competition?
– Does the organization employ any of the following three corporate strategies: diversification, vertical integration, or globalization?

b. Analyze your chosen organization’s corporate strategy.
– What is the organization’s competitive game plan or its articulated strategy?
– Is there a strategy for different business units, if it has diversified?
– Does the strategy address how to strengthen its market position and gain a competitive advantage?

c. Analyze your chosen organization’s business model, that is, the core products and or services, how the organization makes money. What is the customer value proposition? What is the profit proposition?

d. Analyze your chosen organization’s corporate strategy, including product, geographical, and vertical scope in which it operates.

– Has the organization expanded from its initial product line or field of operation? —
– Does the organization own vertically related activities along the value chain for its products?

e. Submit the executive brief in a business format, adhering to the additional requirements below.
Additional Requirements
References: Support your executive brief with at least three academic resources . You must use proper APA (6th edition) style to list your references.
Length: The body of the executive brief must be 2–3 double-spaced, typed pages, not including the references list, appendices, or the title page.
Written communication: Develop accurate written communication and thoughts that convey the overall goals of the analysis and do not detract from the overall message. Avoid errors that detract from the overall message.
Formatting: Use APA (6th edition) formatting, including: correct in-text citations, proper punctuation, double-spacing throughout, proper headings and subheadings, no extra line spaces before headings and subheadings, proper paragraph and block indentation, no bolding, one-inch margins all around, and no bullets. Refer to the APA Style and Format
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

The required reading will be faxed for the writer.
1. Virgin Case Study and Walgreens Case Study
2. Memos
3. Memo – Assignment 1 Terri Bell Introduction
4. List of academic recourses (PDF) submitted

1. The Secrets to Successful STRATEGY EXECUTION. (cover story).
By: Neilson, Gary L.; Martin, Karla L.; Powers, Elizabeth. Harvard Business Review. Jun2008, Vol. 86 Issue 6, p60-70. 11p. 3 Color Photographs, 3 Illustrations, 2 Charts, 1 Graph
2. Four paths to business model innovation.
By: Girotra, Karan; Netessine, Serguei. Harvard Business Review. Jul/Aug2014, Vol. 92 Issue 7/8, p96-103. 8p.
3. The Theory of the Business. (cover story).
By: Drucker, Peter F. Harvard Business Review. Sep/Oct94, Vol. 72 Issue 5, p95-104. 10p
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