Organizational Discourse

1) How does organizational discourse create and recreate power structures within the workplace?

(2) Explore a situation from your life (not from the textbook) in which an organizational narrative can be used to create or reinforce power within an organization.

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Organizational Discourse and Power Structures

(1) Organizational discourse plays a key role in creating and recreating power structures within the workplace in several ways:

  • Selection and framing of language: Dominant groups often control the way information is communicated, framing issues and narratives in ways that benefit their interests. This can marginalize other voices and perspectives, reinforcing their own power.
  • Reinforcing cultural norms and values: Established narratives often reflect the values and beliefs of dominant groups, normalizing their position and making alternative viewpoints seem deviant.

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  • Legitimizing decision-making and practices:The way decisions are explained and justified can create an aura of authority and inevitability, even if they benefit specific groups more than others. This helps maintain the status quo and limit challenges to existing power dynamics.
  • Silencing and marginalizing dissent:Dominant groups may use various tactics to silence dissenting voices, such as dismissing their concerns as invalid, labeling them disruptive, or even resorting to personal attacks. This further silences alternative perspectives and strengthens the existing power structure.
  • Constructing identities and relationships:Discourse shapes how individuals and groups are perceived and treated within the organization. Dominant groups may portray themselves as competent and deserving of power, while marginalizing others as less capable or less deserving. This reinforces the existing power hierarchy.

(2) Example from my own experience:

(Please substitute this example with a situation from your own life.)

Context: While working in a team project, a senior member frequently presented themselves as the “expert” and dominated discussions, often dismissing alternative ideas from newer members. They used jargon and technical terms, making it difficult for others to contribute effectively.

Organizational Narrative: The senior member created a narrative within the team that they were the most knowledgeable and experienced, therefore their opinions held more weight. Their use of technical language further reinforced this image, creating a barrier for others to engage on equal footing.

Power Dynamics: This discursive strategy effectively silenced alternative voices and created a power imbalance within the team. Newer members felt hesitant to challenge the senior member’s dominance, ultimately leading to their ideas being largely disregarded.

Impact: The team missed out on diverse perspectives and potentially better solutions due to the silenced voices. This highlights the negative consequences of how organizational discourse can be used to reinforce existing power structures.

Remember to replace this example with a personal experience to showcase the specificities of how organizational discourse shapes power dynamics in your own context. The key is to analyze the chosen situation through the lens of the points mentioned in point (1) above.


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