Operating and Cash Cycles

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2mUyzHfA_Q

  1. Behavioral Finance has become an important discipline in the study of the psychology that investors and finance managers have towards decision-making. Ultimately every decision that we as humans make is based on our experiences. These experiences create biases. Lucky is the person that is aware of their biases and is able to control them. Watch and comment on the following video for one of your weekly posts https://youtu.be/OG96I_Gc-gA https://youtu.be/wEwGBIr_RIw
    • What biases most impact your decision making process? Why?
    • Give an example of a bias you’ve seen at work – was it positive or negative?
    • How can we improve your financial management skills by understanding and managing our bias?

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