Order Description
Principles of Primary Health Care
The principles of social justice include access, equity, rights and participation. Discuss how nurses and/or midwives incorporate these principles into the health care of migrant and/or refugee women in Australia.
Read the question carefully and identify the key areas you need to address. Revise lectures and readings; post any questions on the discussion board under the relevant thread. Revise CDU Governance Documents under ‘Unit Information’. When writing your essay ensure that you follow the three documents listed below as this is what your markers will be using:
The assessment task
The marking criteria/rubric
The CDU APA referencing guide
This is an academic essay of 1500 words (+/-10% i.e. 1350-1650 words). The word limit does NOT include the end-of-text reference list. Format your assessment with 1.5 line spacing, size 12 point Arial font and use page numbering. Complete the footer i.e. last name, first name, student number, unit code, assessment number. A minimum of ten evidence based references not more than 5 years old are to be used, use a combination of journal articles, textbook references and authoritative websites. You must use CDU School of Health recommended referencing style (APA 6th). Save the final word version of your assessment using the filename of lastname_firstname_studentnumber_unitcode_assessment2. Assessments MUST be uploaded to the Learnline submission point.
Academic Essay
Assessment criteria:
This assessment will be marked against the following criteria:
Ability to interpret and address topic
Written expression
Using the literature effectively
Structure, logical sequencing & flow of information
CDU APA referencing