NippleJesus By Nick Hornby

NippleJesus By Nick Hornby

Paper details:
The essay must be more than 4 pages. The essay should be about how does Dave change throughout the story and must contain all influences. Such as Marth gave Dave a kiss. How he had a set of mind where he thought its too late to change a profession. How he was sticking to being a bouncer cause he’s good at it. How Dave watches the audience react the painting and starts reflecting on himself. How he would help people destroy the painting. How he would judge people right away and not interacting with them. And etc how dave changes in the end. You can change the thesis alittle but must relate to how he changes. The paper must contain 6 quotes and needs to be informed what page you got it from. Also needs a strong thesis and intro, strong bodies and strong conclusion.

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