Models of Change
Models of Change
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Orange County Public School Orlando, fl
The ultimate purpose of professional development is to bring about positive changes in teaching that have an impact on student achievement. Having a model of how a desired change will occur can contribute to the success of professional development efforts. In this Application you will explore models of change as they relate to different models of professional development. You will also answer essential questions about a school or school system’s current professional learning practices.
With this in mind, select one of the models of change discussed in this week’s Learning Resources (RPTIM: Readiness, Planning, Training, Implementation, Maintenance; The Three I’s: Initiation, Implementation, and Institutionalization; PDCA: Plan, Do, Check, Act) and compare it to the “Model for Planning Results-Based Professional Learning.” Address the following in your comparison:
Identify the similarities and differences between the two models
Describe how having a model of change can help guide and support professional development efforts
Support your response with information from this week’s The Three I’s of Change video
Then, consider the various models of professional development you learned about in the “Faces of Professional Development in Education: Multiple Intelligences at Work” book excerpt and how the essential components of those models can help to bring about positive change. Which models are currently used at the school? How do you rate the professional development practices at the school you are working with, in relation to the “Model for Planning Results-Based Professional Learning” from your Becoming a Learning School course text? What trends did you notice in the ratings your Walden colleagues reported at their schools? What do the trends reveal? Which seem to be the most difficult components for schools to operationalize? Why do you think this is so?
Finally, based on your review of professional development design practices at the school you are working with, answer the following questions posed by Edie Holcomb (2009, p. 2).
Where are we now?
Where do we want to go?
How will we get there?
How will we know we are there?
How can we keep it going?
Note: Your responses will be based on your learning thus far about professional development models and your current perceptions about professional development in schools. You will have the opportunity to return to and refine these questions at the end of this course.
Submit the following:
Your comparison of two change models and a rationale for having a model of change
A brief analysis of professional learning design at the school and the trends you noticed in your Walden colleague’s responses about their schools
Your initial responses to Edie Holcomb’s questions listed above