Middle Childhood

This is a review beginning with your first few days/weeks of life.
Include information about 6-12 years of age. * At age 6-12 my parents had a home build and we lived in a family oriented housing development

Where you did live in and with whom? My mother and father

Who were your primary caregivers and support system? My Mother and Father. I attended a Christian Academy and

Include any other information about your overall health, physical, cogntive, psychological, and social development.

During each developmental stage, you will keep a journal about your own development.

Based on your readings, your notes from class, and information you obtain from family members or friends, you will construct a record of your own development across the lifespan.

Your entries should be thoughtful and demonstrate critical thinking. Focus on the facts, then your application of what that information tells you about your growth and development, and what implications that information has for you as a person and as a social worker.

During each stage of development, you should address information about your mastery of the developmental tasks, any hazards you experienced, and relevant information using the theoretical framework of the program.

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