medical surgical critical thinking question to be answer
medical surgical critical thinking question to be answer
Chapter 53
1. Describe the difference between the implications of leukoplakia and erthroplasia.
Chapter 55
4. Discuss signs/symptoms of a perforated ulcer.
Chapter 45
1. Discuss causes and signs/symptoms of the following types of stroke.
a. Hemorrhagic:
b. Ischemic:
i. Thrombotic:
ii. Embolic:
2. Discuss the rationale behind the use of stool softeners such as Colace, following a stroke or other brain injury.
3. Discuss the rationale behind the use of stool softeners such as Colace, following a stroke or other brain injury.
Chapter 49
4. Discuss implications of abnormal laboratory levels of alkaline phosphatase and muscle enzymes as discussed in textbook.
5. Define three terms from textbook chapter that are new to you.
a. 1.
b. 2.
c. 3.
Chapter 50
6. Explain relationship between the following:
a. Parathyroid gland and osteoporosis:
b. Calcium and phosphorus levels:
c. Protein and serum calcium:
This is the book information for the text book for the chapters if needed.
Title : Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, Single Volume, 8e
Authors : Donna D. Ignatavicius MS RN ANEF, M. Linda Workman PhD RN FAAN
Publisher : Saunders
Edition : 8
ISBN : 9781455772551
Publish Date : Feb 23, 2015