Mass Casualty Incident Management
Mass Casualty Incident Management
Final Project topic can be any topic of interest we cover in the course, you wish to explore and analyze in depth.
Final Project should be at least 15 double-spaced APA-formatted and reference pages long excluding title page and references.
Final Project must include all the sections listed in the Course Final Project Content and Format template.
If you have taken EDMG540 (Research Methods), you can use the EDMG540 template to structure your Final Project
Final Project submission to Turn It In is automatic through Week 8 Assignments. You do not need Turn It In Class ID or Password.
You do not have to submit a formal course Final Project proposal for approval, but it can be useful for you to send me your Problem Statement, Research Question (“?”), Thesis, and Literature list to make sure you are on the right path.
You can choose any course-related topic that interests you, and investigate it in-depth. Make sure it is linked to course-related topics. For example, it can be a (US or global) “case study” that confirms or refutes one or more hypotheses from the readings.
Course readings pertinent to your chosen topic must be APA-referenced/cited in the body of your Final Project and listed under References in addition to your topic-pertinent literature.
A sample list of peer-reviewed resources pertinent to EDMG include (all available through APUS Library):
The Journal of Emergency Management
Disaster Recovery Journal
Journal of Crises and Contingencies
Journal of Applied Security Research
Risk Management
Public Administration Review
CRC Press Homeland Security Library
Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning
European Journal of Operational Research
Cambridge Review of International Affairs
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management
Annual Review of Political Science
Public Works Management and Policy
Australian Journal of Emergency Management
Business Continuity and Resiliency Journal
International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management
Journal of Business Logistics
International Journal of Management
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
Journal of Traumatic Stress
Military Medicine
Psychiatric Services
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness
Journal of American College Health
World Institute For Disaster Risk Management Proceedings
Urban Affairs Review
Environmental Hazard
American Behavioral Scientist
Expert Systems with Applications
Civil Engineering Dimension
Information Management
Journal of Policy History
Communications of the ACM
Journal of Nursing Scholarship
Journal of Chemical Health & Safety