Marketing Management; Based on Zappos – Happiness in a box

Marketing Management; Based on Zappos – Happiness in a box

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The coursework is about Zappos, “Happiness in a box” .
Please read attached file which contains 3 different files.
Emphasis on the Assignment Guidelines IMLO’s and Tasks,
Underlined and coloured very important.
Please use refrences mentioned in presentations , i.e Kottler, Fodness etc

You are required to write an academic essay
Based on Zappos – Happiness in a box

Assessment is against specific criteria from the module learning outcomes

Critically discuss the relevance of theories of consumer and buyer behaviour to different marketing situations
Task 1
Critically discuss the relevance of theories of consumer and buyer behaviour at your chosen organisation.  Compare consumer theories of buyer behaviour with business buying behaviour theories  (20 marks)

Demonstrate an understanding of the contribution of marketing to different types of business organisations
Task 2
Explain how marketing contributes to your organisation.  Give examples of a marketing contribution at two additional and different types of business organisation  (20 marks)

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