Market esearch

Market esearch

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The Yeppoon and District Show Society Inc organizes an annual show in Yeppoon for the
Show Holiday. This year it was organized on the 6th and 7th June 2015 and attracted over
10000 people. The website regarding the show was The
admission ticket to the event was $10 per adult and $5 per pensioner/child. The main
activities of the show included among others, rides, amusements, petting zoo, grand parade, fashion parades, goat races, miniature horses, motorbike and bicycle trials stunt shows, comedy shows, fireworks, woodturning, fine arts and woodchop competitions, food, drinks and art and craft stalls. In an attempt to improve the annual event, the Society’s management decided to do a quantitative research study to survey among the show’s visitors in last June while they were present at the event. They hired you as the Marketing Researcher to conduct the survey given that you have followed a course in marketing research. You have been asked to write a marketing research report that will address the following tasks:
1. Give an introductory background to the Yeppoon show.
2. Conduct a literature review of about 600 words about customer satisfaction, in
particular at shows.
3. Propose a sampling plan to survey visitors at the show.
4. Explain the guidelines you have learnt for developing questionnaires and design a
questionnaire which will measure visitor’s satisfaction with aspects of the show. Use
your creativity by using different measurement scales such as workhorse scales. Your questionnaire should address reliability and validity issues.
5. Explain the administration plan for the survey.
6. Recommend ethical considerations for the quantitative research you will conduct.

Important Note:
– Selection of literary support from Google, Wikipedia,,,, etc. will be treated very negatively.

Assessment Criteria – Item 2 (MRKT 20025 T 2 2015)
Marking Criteria

Report structure and presentation -3
Q 1. Introduction -2
Q2. Literature review -6
Q3. Sampling plan -6
Q4. Questionnaire design
? The addressing of the research objective
(s) -2
? General guidelines followed to design the
questionnaire -6
? Creativity with measurement scales -2
? Overall quality of draft instrument -6
? Addressing of reliability and validity
issues -2
Q5. Survey method proposed -4
Q6. Ethical considerations -4
Referencing -2
Total -45

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