management report

management report
Order Description
Management and Organisation / English for Academic Purposes
Case study scenario: You are a manager in a multi-national manufacturing company who has been sent to set up a large subsidiary in South Africa. Prepare a management report for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company giving your recommendations on the following:

Part one: The Management Model that should be chosen to organise the business in South Africa. Explain the reasons for your choice
Part two: The organisational structure, leadership style and methods of motivation that should be used to manage the South African staff.
Explain the reasons for your choices

Mark scheme (M&O)
Introduction: explains context, scope, key questions, approach ………………….…..5%
Main body: communicates theory, demonstrates analysis and evaluation ………….75%
Section 1, Management model ……………………………………………………25%
Section 2, Structure, leadership style, motivation methods ……………………50%
Conclusion: questions/key points that have been answered ……………………….….5%

Presentation and structure …………………………………………..……………….……5%
Referencing and evidence of research ………………………………….………………10%

Mark scheme (EAP)
Task: overall communication and task fulfilment, thematic development,
Incorporation of sources ………………………………………………………….50%
Language: vocabulary, grammar and cohesion, writing conventions ………………..50%

Distribution and Submission Details

Notes to students
• The assignment will be distributed on Blackboard on Wednesday 3rd February 2016.
• One copy should be submitted through Turnitin by midnight on Tuesday 1st March.
• Two hard copies should be submitted to the Welcome Desk on the first floor on Wednesday 2nd March 2016 at 9am (1 copy for M&O and 1 copy for EAP).
• A copy of the originality report should be included with the assignment that is submitted to the Welcome Desk.
• Include a title page for M&O with: module code, module title, assignment number/title, your name, student number, class tutor’s name, due date.
• For the EAP copy only, include (a) one photocopied page from one of the sources which you have paraphrased or summarised from in your assignment. On the photocopy, highlight the specific section of text that you have used and write the page number of your assignment which includes your paraphrase and (b) include a photocopy of the title page (showing author name) and the page of publisher information (showing year of publication) from your photocopied source
• Write in a report style using headings and subheadings.
• Use font style Arial
• Use line spacing = 1.5
• Font size = 12
• Include page numbers and a word count – do not include title page, contents page or references in the word count. Refer to the module guide for more information about this.
• Late or plagiarised assignments will be penalised in line with the policy set out in the Programme Guide.
• Failure to submit an electronic copy will result in the work not being assessed.
• Do not use Wikipedia or other non-academic sources as references.
• You are expected to use references from a range of resources including Boddy, D. (2014), “Management: An Introduction”, Harlow: Pearson Education (6th Edition).

Possible structure:
? Introduction
o Including a brief background, thesis statement and outline of the assignment.
? Main body of assignment
o Management model
o Structure
o Leadership style
o Methods of motivation
? Conclusion
o Summarise key points
? References

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