Management Project

Management Project

Order Description

Addresses learning outcome(s):
1. students will have conducted a research project and written up the results;
2. will know how to design and conduct research projects in the field of management;
3. will be able to ground theoretical elements of management in particular case study organisations;
4. will know how to interpret and present the results of research in management, including recommendations for future organisational action.
Related graduate attribute(s):
1. UC graduates are professional – communicate effectively
1. UC graduates are professional – employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills
1. UC graduates are professional – use creativity, critical thinking, analysis and research skills to solve theoretical and real-world problems
2. UC graduates are global citizens – adopt an informed and balanced approach across professional and international boundaries
2. UC graduates are global citizens – communicate effectively in diverse cultural and social settings
2. UC graduates are global citizens – think globally about issues in their profession

You should consider a project that meets your career interests. In the past, some students have worked on:

* collection of data (eg. surveys/ focus groups) to solve a research problem (incl. associated report)
* analysis of literature to solve a research problem (eg a thorough literature review of the direction of social media research or management theories etc)
* creation of a web page and report regarding the process and the future of the site
* a business plan for the establishment of a new organization
* a social media plan, implemented for an organization or cause (LinkedIn, Twitter, Blog, Facebook)
* a not-for-profit organization plan
* international analysis of documents
* policy report development for your industry
* and many others – think creatively
You should think creatively, and also consider your career interests. For example, a student keen to go on for further academic study may develop a very different project compared with a student who wishes to set up a business tomorrow!
NOTE: There are no classes for this subject. You can meet with Raechel Johns, the unit convenor, to discuss, or discuss over email. I look forward to meeting you face to face or virtually during this course

Develop a proposal outlining:

· introduction
· the problem / issue you wish to solve
· your motivation for doing this (eg. career/ personal interests)
· how you will tackle it – eg. write a report, collect data (where from?), develop something (eg. a web page – how?)
· the future beyond the project – do you envisage using the material for your work? For interest? Going further? (it’s okay if not)
· Timeline for the project
· Summary

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