

• From the populated Excel Emergency operations data table, analyze the data for your research question
• Develop an appropriate graphical representation of analytic results
• Interpret your results
Would the use of social media, associated with an EOP, create for an effective tool for risk and crisis communication while providing pertinent information to all stakeholders and responding agencies to decrease the vulnerability of the community?

In order to evaluate if social media could be incorporated into an EOP and how effective the use of it would be by emergency managers and ICS command staff during an emergency incident, multiple questions in the EOP evaluation tool are related to the coordination, ICS, and communications. Specifically, question 31 and 32 relate to the vulnerability of a jurisdiction, while questions 37 through 45 determine the strengths of coordination, ICS and communications. Although there are multiple questions related to the communication and unified command, three questions have been chosen to be evaluated. Question #32 asks if the EOP identifies how warning, procedures, shelter facilities, & evacuation/movement, accommodate the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Question #40 relates to the direction and control relationship between the field responders (ICS) and the EOC, including the reporting of pertinent information. Question #42 indicates how the EOC will coordinate & communicate with field units, operational areas, regions, and other entities, including the use of the Response Information Management System.

By evaluating the responses to these three questions, some conclusions may be drawn based on the collected information. The collected data results may help determine if the use of social media is being utilized in an effective manner to help with risk and crisis communication and decrease the vulnerability of the community. The collection of data may help determine the current procedures emergency managers are using when proposing, ratifying, and distributing risk and crisis communications.

Due to the items in the questions being related to each other, the data for these three questions will be obtained through the use of the Likert Scale. The scale will range from 1 as being the EOP does not include the matter at all, 3 as the individual is neutral about the question, and 5 as being the EOP is extremely detailed in the matter. The sum of the values of each selected option (1-5) will be added and a score for each question will be determined. This score will represent if the EOP includes or does not include the specific matter.

The total sum of each of the questions will be obtained and placed on a bar three separate bar graphs. Each bar graph will consist of an x-axis and y-axis associated with questions #32, #40 and #42. The x-axis, or horizontal line, on each graph will display the numbers associated with the Likert Scale (1-5). The y-axis, or vertical line, will display the total number of sample size. The total number of each respondent will be summed together and associated with the Likert Scale and placed on each of the graphs. This information will then be analyzed to help determine if the use of social media is an effective or ineffective tool for risk and crisis communication and decreasing the vulnerability of the community.

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