Legal Case

Research a legal case following the COVID-19 pandemic where application of evidence-based practice supported the ethical decision-making process.

Write a 800 word analysis of the case. Address the following based on your chosen case.

Explain the importance of ethical decision-making for health care professionals.
Summarize the evidence presented in the resolution of the legal case and the ethical decisions that were made.
Explain how the application of evidence-based practice supports the ethical decision-making process.
Describe your personal thoughts on the decisions that are specific to the legal case you chose.
Explain what could have been done to prevent the ethical and legal issues from occurring in the first place.
Support the analysis with 2-3 scholarly resources.

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The COVID-19 pandemic presented unprecedented challenges for healthcare professionals, often necessitating quick decisions under immense pressure. Ethical dilemmas arose, particularly in resource allocation and treatment approaches. One such case, Montgomery v. Christus Health (2022), highlights the crucial role of evidence-based practice (EBP) in supporting ethical decision-making and the potential consequences of its neglect.

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Importance of Ethical Decision-Making:

Ethical decision-making in healthcare is paramount for upholding patient well-being, trust, and the profession’s integrity. It involves balancing principles like beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and justice within complex scenarios. The pandemic amplified these ethical considerations, especially regarding resource scarcity and evolving knowledge about the virus.

Case Summary:

In Montgomery v. Christus Health, the family of Jennifer Montgomery sued the hospital for allegedly denying her access to Ivermectin, a drug she believed could treat her COVID-19. The court ultimately ruled in favor of the hospital, highlighting the ethical implications of adhering to evidence-based guidelines rather than individual beliefs or non-standard practices.

Evidence Presented:

The court considered various pieces of evidence:

  • Scientific research: Multiple studies and reviews concluded insufficient evidence to support Ivermectin’s efficacy against COVID-19.
  • Clinical guidelines: Major medical organizations, including the CDC and NIH, did not recommend Ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment.
  • Hospital policies: Christus Health’s policies aligned with these guidelines, prioritizing the use of evidence-based therapies.
  • Patient autonomy: While respecting Montgomery’s right to make informed decisions, the court emphasized the limitations of autonomy in the context of unproven and potentially harmful treatments.

Ethical Decisions:

The court’s decision rested on the following ethical principles:

  • Non-maleficence: The hospital prioritized preventing potential harm from an unproven medication over fulfilling wishes based on personal beliefs or misinformation.
  • Justice: Adhering to evidence-based guidelines ensured fair and equitable treatment for all patients, avoiding discrimination based on individual preferences.
  • Respect for science: The court upheld the importance of scientific evidence in guiding medical decisions, promoting public trust in the healthcare system.

EBP Supporting Ethical Decision-Making:

EBP provided a crucial framework for ethical decision-making in this case by:

  • Offering objective evidence: Scientific data informed the hospital’s actions, reducing the risk of bias or subjective judgment.
  • Promoting transparency: Grounding decisions in research allowed clear communication with patients about treatment options and limitations.
  • Ensuring accountability: Adherence to established guidelines held the hospital accountable for providing evidence-based care.

Personal Thoughts:

While respecting the Montgomery family’s grief and desire to seek alternative treatments, I believe the court made the ethically sound decision. Prioritizing unproven treatments could have jeopardized patient safety and undermined public trust in the medical system. Furthermore, the case underscores the importance of clear communication between healthcare providers and patients regarding evidence-based practices and limitations.

Preventing Ethical and Legal Issues:

Several strategies could have potentially mitigated the situation:

  • Improved patient education: Comprehensive information about COVID-19, treatment options, and the role of evidence-based medicine could equip patients to make informed decisions.
  • Stronger physician-patient communication: Open and empathetic dialogue can address patient concerns and anxieties, fostering trust and understanding.
  • Combating misinformation: Addressing the spread of false information through public health campaigns and educational initiatives is crucial.


The Montgomery v. Christus Health case demonstrates the critical role of EBP in supporting ethical decision-making, particularly in challenging circumstances like the COVID-19 pandemic. By prioritizing evidence-based practices, healthcare professionals can ensure patient safety, maintain public trust, and navigate ethical dilemmas with integrity. However, continuous efforts are needed to improve patient education, communication, and combat misinformation to minimize future legal and ethical challenges.

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