Legal Blog Discussion Tort Law and Contract Law

In business, many contracts are made. Some are formal, written contracts while others are implied. It is imperative that managers and owners have an understanding of the many contracts that arise in the course of doing business. In three complete paragraphs, summarize your chosen blog and its point of view on a topic/example of your choice. A good summary will agree and disagree with the chosen perspective (remember blogs are matter of open opinion and not necessarily inclusive of the law in some cases).

Some interesting blog topics that relate to our recent studies (see list of learning objectives above):

Fraudulent funders = big woes for small businesses in Federal Trade Commission.
Court refuses to dismiss COVID suit based on communicable disease endorsement in
COPPA killed the video star in Illinois Business Law Journal.
Here is what you need to accomplish to complete your blog review and discussion:

STEP ONE: Search “LEGAL BLOGS FOR BUSINESS STUDENTS” (600 million options available)
STEP TWO: Select a blog and topic of interest to you that relates to recent coursework
STEP THREE: Summarize your blog in one full paragraph
STEP FOUR: In 2nd paragraph, present your view on the topic
STEP FIVE: In 3rd paragraph, present opposing view that disagrees with your perspective
STEP SIX: Prepare 2 questions for others to answer as they consider your blog’s opinions

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