legal and an ethical dimension.

legal and an ethical dimension.

1.    (a)  Identify the central issue in this case that has both a legal and an ethical dimension. Clearly state both the legal dimension/question and the ethical dimension/question raised by the issue.
2.    (b)  Explain how the legal issue will be resolved by stating the law and then applying it to the facts to support your conclusion.
3.    (c)  Discuss the ethical dimension of this issue using one of the ethical forms of reasoning that we have discussed in class. (For your convenience, the four types of ethical reasons discussed in class are set out below.) In particular, make an argument about whether the likely legal result in this case is also an ethical result. If the result is unethical, what could be done to address the situation

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Four types of ethical reasoning
•    ??  Consequences: we should promote good consequences and avoid bad ones, for all concerned, in the long run. (Happiness is good; pain is bad!)
•    ??  Fairness/justice: we should make sure that good & bad consequences are distributed fairly. We should pay our debts and treat like cases alike.
•    ??  Rights and Duties: we should protect rights and perform duties. These are often “nearly absolute.”
•    ??  Character/virtue: we should consider what kind of people we want to be, and what example we want to set
Remember that if you quote the above or paraphrase it, you must provide a citation. You can cite the above as follows: Chris MacDonald, “Law 122 Ethical Reasoning Module”, Toronto, 2013.

Important reminders about academic integrity and plagiarism
•    Plagiarism is a serious academic offence and penalties range from zero in an assignment all the way to expulsion from the university. In any academic exercise, plagiarism occurs when one offers as one’s own work the words, data, ideas, arguments, calculations, designs or productions of another without appropriate attribution or when

one allows one’s work to be copied. Students should review the guidelines regarding
academic misconduct.
•    It is assumed that all examinations and work submitted for evaluation and course credit will be the product of individual effort, except in the case of team projects arranged for and approved by the course instructor.
•    Students must ensure that they understand the conventions for referencing sources in footnotes and bibliographies. In addition to citing quotations from all sources, whether from written materials, interviews, or electronic networks, students must credit with footnotes or in-text references all facts and ideas that are not their own, even if they are in their own words. If you do not, it is considered plagiarism.
•    Submitting the same work to more than one course, without instructors’ approval, is also considered plagiarism.

Marking Rubric
Unsatisfactory (0)     Satisfactory (1)     Exceeds Expectations (2)
Ethical Issue Identification     Is unable to articulate the ethical dimension of the problem     Recognizes the ethical dimension of the problem     Recognizes the ethical issue and articulates how the issue is related to/differs from the legal dimension
Identification of the law relevant to the ethical dilemma and understanding of what the law requires     Unable to recognize legal issue or apply law     Recognizes legal issue, but has difficulty articulating the application of the law/legal resolution     Both recognizes the legal issue and arrives at the likely legal outcome by appropriately applying the law
Articulates a position about whether the character has acted ethically or not     Fails to appreciate that an ethical outcome may require more than mere adherence to the law and/or focuses exclusively on business reasoning (e.g., reputation).     Provides a position on whether the character has acted ethically or not, but fails to provide much elaboration     Elaborates on/discusses the reasons for his/her position on whether the character has acted ethically or not; identifies what the character could have done differently, if applicable.
Justifies choice of position using ethical     Fails to justify decision in terms of     Defends position using ethical     Coherently defends his or her position
reasoning    ethical reasoning (eg uses business considerations such as reputation and goodwill)     reasoning; may display some weakness in application of ethical reasoning     using an argument that draws on typical ethical reasoning; elaborates on reasons. Discusses alternative option for the character, if relevant.
Grammar and Style     Incoherent. No introduction, conclusion, or thesis statement.     Standard essay format is evident (intro, body, conclusion, with a thesis). Proficiency in common rules of grammar (punctuation, sentence structure, etc).     Strong written skills. Essay is cohesive and arguments are integrated well into overall body of essay. Mastery of basic rules of grammar and evidence of advanced capabilities (e.g., knows how to use a semi-colon).


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