Leading sex and couple therapist and innovator of a fail-proof method for the cure of Erectile Dysfunction

Imagine you are a supervisor at an internship site in NYS & you have recently accepted Mr. ItAll for a year-long internship at your site. Mr. ItAll, has a background in anthropology and he is in a Master’s Program in Counseling to get licensed because he wants to help men given his focus on men’s sexuality. One day, while surfing the web you stumble upon Cure ItAll’s professional website (which was set-up for his “practice” which he has had before he joined his Master’s program & internship). It is not linked to your website and there is no mention of his internship at your agency. His website has the following content along with what services he offers and how to contact him (no other licenses, training, or certification information is presented):

Mr. Cure ItAll has published a popular book titled “Passionate Love Making.” Sold a million copies!

Leading sex and couple therapist and innovator of a fail-proof method for the cure of Erectile Dysfunction. Have no more embarrassment. Make love like a real man! Find the cure you are looking for. Call the expert today!

Client’s Testimonial: “Dr. Cure ItAll is the best couple’s therapist. He helped me and my wife to regain our intimacy.”

Master’s in Clinical Anthropology (Specialized in Sexual Healing Practices)
Undergraduate in Psychology

Drawing on the above information, answer the following questions:
• What, if any, are the ethical challenges within this situation?
• What was the key factors (codes, principles, etc) in determining the presence or lack of any unethical issue in this case?
• If you were to take action, as the site supervisor for the internship, tell us how you decided YOUR best course of action? What was the relational ethics you adopted?

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Mr. ItAll’s website raises several ethical challenges for you as his internship site supervisor in New York State, particularly relating to professional competency, misrepresentation, and potential harm to clients. Here’s a breakdown:

1. Competence and Misrepresentation:

  • Misleading Claims: His website claims he’s a “leading sex and couple therapist” and has a “fail-proof method” for curing erectile dysfunction. These claims are potentially misleading and lack supporting evidence. He also identifies as “Dr. Cure ItAll,” which could further mislead clients about his credentials and qualifications.
  • Missing Information: No mention of his current internship status or relevant licensing/certification information casts doubt on his actual qualifications and legitimacy as a practicing therapist.

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Potential Harm to Clients:

  • False promises and unrealistic expectations: Promising “fail-proof cures” for complex issues like erectile dysfunction can create inflated expectations and potentially lead to frustration, disappointment, and negative emotional consequences for clients.
  • Lack of informed consent: Without proper disclosure of his internship status and limitations, clients may not be able to make informed decisions about seeking his services.
  • Risk of inappropriate treatment: Mr. ItAll’s background in anthropology (not clinical psychology) raises concerns about whether he possesses the necessary training and skills to safely and effectively address clients’ sexual concerns.

3. Regulatory and Code of Ethics Violations:

  • Violations of NYS licensure laws: Offering therapy services in New York requires licensure as a therapist or counselor. Mr. ItAll’s current status as an intern may not allow him to independently practice and advertise himself as a qualified therapist.
  • Potential violations of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) Ethical Code: False claims, misrepresentation of credentials, and offering unproven treatment methods all potentially violate professional ethical codes.

Key Factors in Determining Ethical Issues:

Several factors help determine the presence or lack of unethical issues in this case:

  • Professional Codes of Ethics: The AAMFT Code of Ethics and NYS licensure regulations provide established guidelines for ethical conduct for therapists.
  • Standard of Care: Therapists are expected to provide services that meet the recognized standards of care within their profession. This includes using evidence-based methods and avoiding harmful interventions.
  • Informed Consent: Clients have the right to make informed decisions about their treatment based on accurate and complete information about the therapist’s qualifications, experience, and limitations of treatment.
  • Truthfulness and Non-deception: Therapists are required to be truthful in their professional representations and avoid misleading statements about their expertise or services.

Best Course of Action as Mr. ItAll’s Supervisor:

Given the potential ethical concerns, here’s how you might proceed as Mr. ItAll’s supervisor:

1. Direct and Open Communication:

  • Schedule a meeting with Mr. ItAll to discuss your concerns about his website.
  • Explain how the website content contradicts his internship status and raises ethical concerns regarding claims, missing information, and potential client harm.
  • Maintain a supportive yet firm tone, reminding him of his professional obligations and potential consequences of unethical conduct.

2. Clarifying Roles and Expectations:

  • Emphasize that offering therapy services independently during his internship is not permitted.
  • Clearly communicate what’s expected of him as an intern, including limitations on practicing therapy and requirements for transparency about his training status.
  • Collaborate on revising his website content to reflect his actual internship status and remove misleading claims.

3. Reporting and Potential Referral:

  • Depending on the severity of concerns and Mr. ItAll’s response, you may need to report the situation to the appropriate agencies such as the NYS Office of Professional Discipline or the AAMFT Ethics Committee.
  • You may also need to consult with your own supervisor or seek legal advice to navigate the situation within NYS regulations.

Relational Ethics During the Process:

Throughout your intervention, it’s crucial to maintain relational ethics:

  • Transparency and Fairness: Be transparent about your concerns and the basis for your actions. Treat Mr. ItAll with respect and fairness, providing opportunities for clarification and explanation.
  • Open Communication and Dialogue: Foster open communication throughout the process, encouraging Mr. ItAll to express his perspective and seek guidance.
  • Collaboration and Support: Seek collaborative solutions that address ethical concerns while offering professional support and guidance to Mr. ItAll within his internship capacity.

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