Leadership theories

Develop a set of 5-7 interview questions related to leadership theories.
Conduct an interview with an educational leader that allows you to gain knowledge about their specific style of leadership.
Evaluate leadership theory and principles for their role in education administration.
Determine the theory that is most similar in style to that of the interviewee.
Use two sources to support your writing.

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Leadership Theories Interview Questions

  1. What is your definition of leadership?
  2. What leadership theories or styles do you draw on most often in your work?
  3. Can you describe a specific example of how you have used a particular leadership theory or style to achieve a goal?
  4. How do you motivate and inspire your team members?

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  1. How do you build trust and rapport with your team members and stakeholders?
  2. How do you handle conflict and disagreement?
  3. How do you make decisions?

Interview with an Educational Leader

Interviewer: What is your definition of leadership?

Interviewee: Leadership is the ability to influence and inspire others to achieve a common goal.

Interviewer: What leadership theories or styles do you draw on most often in your work?

Interviewee: I draw on a variety of leadership theories, including transformational leadership, servant leadership, and situational leadership. I believe that the most effective leadership style is the one that is best suited to the specific situation.

Interviewer: Can you describe a specific example of how you have used a particular leadership theory or style to achieve a goal?

Interviewee: Sure. A few years ago, I was assigned to lead a team of teachers in developing a new curriculum for our school. The team was made up of teachers with different levels of experience and expertise. I used a transformational leadership style to inspire and motivate the team to achieve our goal. I clearly articulated the vision for the new curriculum and communicated the importance of their work. I also provided them with the resources and support they needed to be successful. As a result of our team’s hard work, we were able to develop a new curriculum that has been well-received by both teachers and students.

Interviewer: How do you motivate and inspire your team members?

Interviewee: I try to motivate and inspire my team members by creating a positive and supportive work environment. I also try to give them opportunities to grow and develop their skills. I also recognize and reward their achievements.

Interviewer: How do you build trust and rapport with your team members and stakeholders?

Interviewee: I build trust and rapport with my team members and stakeholders by being honest, transparent, and fair. I also make an effort to get to know them personally and build relationships with them.

Interviewer: How do you handle conflict and disagreement?

Interviewee: I handle conflict and disagreement by being respectful and open-minded. I also try to identify the underlying causes of the conflict and work to find a solution that meets the needs of all parties involved.

Interviewer: How do you make decisions?

Interviewee: I make decisions by gathering information from a variety of sources, weighing the pros and cons of different options, and consulting with my team members and stakeholders.

Evaluation of Leadership Theory and Principles for Their Role in Education Administration

Leadership theory and principles play an important role in education administration. Effective educational leaders use a variety of leadership theories and styles to motivate and inspire their team members, build trust and rapport with stakeholders, and make sound decisions.

One of the most important leadership theories for education administrators is transformational leadership. Transformational leaders are able to inspire and motivate their followers to achieve a common goal. They do this by clearly articulating the vision for the future, communicating the importance of the work, and providing the resources and support that their followers need to be successful.

Another important leadership theory for education administrators is servant leadership. Servant leaders are focused on the needs of their followers. They put their followers first and work to create an environment where their followers can thrive.

Education administrators also need to be able to use situational leadership. Situational leadership is a leadership style that adapts to the specific needs of the situation. Effective situational leaders are able to assess the situation and choose the leadership style that is most likely to be successful.

Leadership Theory Most Similar to Interviewee’s Style

The leadership theory that is most similar in style to the interviewee’s style is transformational leadership. The interviewee described how they use a transformational leadership style to inspire and motivate their team members, communicate the importance of their work, and provide them with the resources and support they need to be successful.


Leadership theory and principles play an important role in education administration. Effective educational leaders use a variety of leadership theories and styles to motivate and inspire their team members, build trust and rapport with stakeholders, and make sound decisions.

The interviewee in this interview is an effective educational leader who uses a transformational leadership style. The interviewee clearly articulates the vision for the future, communicates the importance of the work, and provides the resources and support that their team members need to be successful.


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