Language in the Arab world

In the Arab world, the distinction between language policies and practices corresponds to SA and QA’s
distinction. Our final fieldnotes will combine our personal reflection on both language practices and language
policies. You should write a 500-1000 word paper where you start by describing your language practices and
then develop recommendations that can help shape a language policy that meets our expectations and suits
our everyday practices.
As such, our submission should take the form of an essay. This essay will start with an introduction that broadly
discusses the diaglossic situation in the Arab world and how this is further complicated by the dominance of
foreign languages such as English and French. Your thesis statement should briefly point out which variety/
language you use most of the time. You may even mention that you use multiple varieties or languages equally.
For your body paragraphs, start by describing your language practices. It would be best if you tried to answer
these questions: 1. What is your preferred language of literacy?

  1. Would you rather study maths and science in English or Arabic?
  2. Do you read books in Arabic?
  3. Do you watch talk shows or movies in Arabic or English? Do you listen to Arabic songs?
  4. Which language or variety do you use on social media platforms?
  5. In your opinion, what are the common perceptions of English and Arabic in Kuwait? Is there a language that
    makes you seem more powerful or perceived as more prestigious than the other?
    Refer to your own personal opinion and give your own experience.
    In the second half, discuss which language practices would best help you as an Arab to protect your identity
    and achieve personal growth. The questions below will help you a lot:
  6. Which language (s) should schools use in teaching sciences?
  7. Which language should be used in talk shows?
  8. Should schools teach foreign languages?
  9. How many hours should students spend studying Arabic and any foreign language every day?
  10. What about higher education? Which language(s) should be used?
  11. Should international higher education be adopted? Why?

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