
This week the content ( discussed the Renaissance and the impact of the Humanist philosophy on art and architecture. Please review this link before responding to the question below: (
With this philosophy in mind, please answer the following prompt:

Question to Answer: The themes of religion and humanism pervade the time. Describe how these themes manifest themselves in the artwork from the Renaissance. Choose one example to analyze with these concepts in mind. Then explain how classical ideals influenced these themes. Please include image of artwork, references and intext citation in your response. Make sure your response discuss art in reference to the FTC Palette. Please include image of the work that is being analyzed.
This is a single work analysis comparing an artifact with its contextual influences.
Use correct MLA formatting, captions, and citations.

The FTC Palette
Art = Form + Theme + Context
How do we look at and analyze a work of art? An effective strategy is to consider form, theme, and context.
Form: How the Work “Is”
Form refers to the actual physical properties that you see when looking at art. Sometimes called formal or visual elements, form describes the overall composition and the individual elements within the composition. Many elements go into the formal properties of an artwork:
• color
• shape
• line
• texture
• media used
• size
• design
• style
• technique
Theme: What the Work Is About
Theme refers to the subject of the artwork and is possibly the easiest aspect to determine when looking at art. There are several recurring subjects in Western art:
• landscapes
• history
• still life
• figure or animal studies
• mythology
• biblical
• portraits
• genre
The term genre (also called genre art) in the list above refers to contemporary scenes of daily activities. (This is different from the more common genre used in the sense of category or classification.) What happens when there is no discernible subject? This is usually found in non-representational or abstract art; the artist, in this case, did not want to represent anything from the natural world, but rather a design, a concept, or a set of ideas.
Context: When, Where, by/for Whom, and Why the Work Was Created/Valued
Context refers to the factual events, activities, influences, and any (or all) other factors that may have played a role in creating and interpreting the work of art. This is when research plays a vital role in a fuller understanding of the artwork. As you would suspect, most anything could fall into the category of context, from a patron who commissioned an artwork to a personal event in the artist’s life. Among the many factors to consider in context are the social, political, philosophical, religious, and historical events that were taking place when the artwork was created. The key thing to remember about context is that it is concrete and factual.
Formal + Thematic + Contextual → Meaning
How does the combination of formal, thematic, and contextual qualities reveal layers of meaning? Let’s take a brief look at how these qualities are used to look at and examine art.

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