Key Concepts & Principles of Project Delivery.

participate in a forum activity about the Key Concepts & Principles of Project Delivery. Please develop and post an initial response and respond to two classmates per the instructions below.

select a topic from the list below. Please include the topic you selected in the “Topic Title” of your initial post.

Introduce your chosen topic succinctly, highlighting its overarching role/purpose in project management.
Offer a concise overview of the key principles or ideas defining your topic. Emphasize the strategic significance of these concepts in the broader context of project management.
Present a high-level example or scenario that illustrates your topic’s practical implementation and strategic value in real-world project management. This can be drawn from a notable industry case or a significant personal experience.
Conclude with a powerful statement reinforcing the topic’s relevance and its role in driving project success or innovation.
Responses to Others:
For full credit, you must write thoughtful and analytical responses to the initial posts of at least TWO of your classmates. Each of your responses should be a substantive standalone contribution of at least 150 words that adds depth to the forum. This can be achieved by:

Providing Relevant Supporting Information:
Include relevant facts, theories, or examples that contribute to the discussion.
Relate your response to course content, external research, or real-life examples.
Clearly demonstrate how this information supports or expands upon the original post.
Presenting Respectful Counter-Arguments or Debates:
If you hold a differing viewpoint, articulate it respectfully and constructively.
Support your perspective with evidence or examples.
Maintain an academic tone, focusing on ideas and arguments.

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Topic Title: Projects as Systems for Value Delivery

Effective project management is all about achieving a defined goal within specific constraints. But projects are not isolated endeavors. They exist within a larger organizational context and their success hinges on delivering value. This initial post explores the concept of projects as systems for value delivery, a core principle in modern project management.

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Key Principles and Strategic Significance:

The Project Management Institute (PMI) defines a project as “a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result” (Project Management Institute, 2021, p. 3). However, simply completing a project is not enough. Projects must deliver value – a positive impact that meets the needs and expectations of stakeholders. Viewing projects as systems for value delivery emphasizes several key principles:

  • Alignment with Strategy:Projects should be aligned with the organization’s overall strategic objectives. Each project contributes to achieving the broader vision and goals. ([Ref. 1])
  • Stakeholder Focus:Projects are undertaken to address the needs and expectations of various stakeholders, including customers, sponsors, and the performing organization. Understanding these needs and managing stakeholder expectations are crucial for success. ([Ref. 2])
  • Holistic View:Project delivery is not a linear process. It involves a complex interplay between various components, such as scope, schedule, budget, risk, and resources. Viewing projects as systems acknowledges these interdependencies and emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to management. ([Ref. 3])
  • Outcomes and Benefits:The focus is not just on completing tasks but on the intended outcomes and benefits the project will deliver. Defining clear success criteria and measuring progress towards those is essential. ([Ref. 4])

Strategic Significance:

By viewing projects as systems for value delivery, organizations can ensure their project portfolio contributes to achieving strategic goals and delivers tangible benefits. This approach fosters:

  • Improved Decision-Making:A clear understanding of project value allows for a more informed decision-making process during project selection, prioritization, and resource allocation.
  • Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement:By actively managing stakeholder expectations and demonstrating the value proposition of projects, organizations can secure stakeholder buy-in and support.
  • Increased Project Success Rates:Focusing on delivering value helps keep projects on track and reduces the risk of scope creep or project failure.

Real-World Example:

Imagine a company undertaking a project to develop a new mobile app. Viewing this project as a system for value delivery, the company would:

  • Align the app’s features and functionalities with the overall business strategy of enhancing customer engagement and brand loyalty.
  • Identify key stakeholders including target users, internal marketing teams, and management.
  • Manage the project with a holistic view, ensuring the app development aligns with budget constraints, established timelines, and resource availability.
  • Define success criteria beyond simply launching the app, such as achieving a specific download rate or user engagement metrics.

By focusing on delivering value through the new mobile app, the company increases the chances of project success and contributes to its overall strategic goals.


Projects are not isolated entities. Viewing them as systems for value delivery emphasizes their role in contributing to the organization’s strategic goals and delivering tangible benefits to stakeholders. This approach fosters better decision-making, stakeholder engagement, and ultimately, project success.


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