Juvenile Justice/Adult Justice Systems

The juvenile justice system is similar to the adult criminal justice system in many ways; however, fundamental differences do exist. In this assignment, you will:
• Compare and contrast the juvenile and adult criminal justice systems
• Analyze and describe how they are similar and how they are fundamentally different.
• Explain why the juvenile justice system is different, and the principles behind those differences.

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Similarities and Differences Between Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems

The juvenile and adult criminal justice systems share some core functions:

  • Maintaining Public Safety: Both systems aim to protect society from crime by holding offenders accountable for their actions.
  • Rehabilitation: Both systems aim to rehabilitate offenders and reduce recidivism (the likelihood of re-offending).

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  • Deterrence:Both systems aim to deter potential offenders from committing crimes.

However, there are significant differences in how these goals are achieved:


  • Due Process:Both systems offer some level of due process, with rights to legal representation and a fair hearing.
  • Investigation:Both systems investigate alleged crimes to gather evidence.
  • Penalties:Both systems can impose sanctions, including incarceration, probation, or community service.


Feature Juvenile Justice System Adult Criminal Justice System
Focus: Rehabilitation and development Punishment and deterrence
Court Procedures: Less formal, emphasis on confidentiality More formal, public record
Judges: Often specialists in juvenile law General judges
Sentencing: Emphasis on rehabilitation programs, shorter sentences Harsher penalties, longer sentences
Right to Jury Trial: Not guaranteed in all cases Guaranteed right
Records: Sealed or confidential in most cases Public record

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Reasons for Differences:

The juvenile justice system is different from the adult system for several reasons:

  • Developmental Differences:Juveniles are still developing mentally and emotionally. They are considered less culpable for their actions and more amenable to rehabilitation.
  • Focus on Rehabilitation:The goal is to help juveniles mature into law-abiding citizens. This requires a focus on addressing the root causes of their delinquency, such as poverty, abuse, or lack of educational opportunities.
  • Protection of Privacy:Juvenile records are often sealed to protect their future opportunities and prevent them from being labeled as criminals for life.

Principles Behind the Differences:

  • Parens Patriae:The state acts as a parent, looking after the welfare of children.
  • Best Interests of the Child:Decisions are made based on what will benefit the juvenile’s development and future.
  • Rehabilitation over Punishment:The emphasis is on helping juveniles learn from their mistakes and become productive members of society.

In conclusion, while the juvenile and adult criminal justice systems share some similar goals, the approaches differ significantly. The juvenile system recognizes the unique needs of young offenders and prioritizes rehabilitation over punishment.


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