Journalism intern for the LA Times

You are working as a journalism intern for the LA Times science section and your supervising journalist asks you to help her do research for an article on the discovery of the domain Archaea by Carl Woese and colleagues. The article will describe what we knew about the diversity of life before the discovery of the Archaea and how Woese’s work in 1977 revolutionized our understanding of the tree of life. Your supervisor, the journalist, has taken an introductory biology course and is familiar with biology but it’s been a while (she usually covers astrophysics). Your job is to write a short explanation that will be the first draft for her article. Your summary should be ~400 words (about one page). This first draft should probably take about 60-90 minutes to write. Use your understanding from the lecture and the additional assigned readings. Your role here is to write as an informed, distanced science student. Your language should be straightforward and as uncomplicated as possible. You should explain the vocabulary that you think is critical as the bolded words in sections of your textbook does.

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