journal 2 Description and Narration Prewriting

journal 2 Description and Narration Prewriting

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Required Journal Entry 7: Description and Narration Prewriting
Choose a photograph that depicts an important event in your life.
1. In your journal, make a list of everything you see in the photo. Work from left to right and
from the background to the foreground.
2. List two specific, concrete details for each sense that describes your experience of the event
as follows:
• Sight
• Sound
• Smell
• Taste
• Touch
Write one fresh, creative comparison (one simile or metaphor) for one of your details .
Sketch out the narrative details of your picture.
1. Scene—Where did the event take place?
2. Key actions—What events led up to the one depicted? Did anything significant happen
3. Key participants—Who is depicted in your photo?
4. Key lines of dialogue—What was being said at the time? By whom?
5. Feelings—What were you feeling at the time the photo was taken?

Required Journal Entry 8: Description and Narration
Write: Using the details you collected in Journal Entry 7, write the story to accompany the
photo. Be sure that your story has a clear beginning, middle, and end, and that you use your dialogue
and descriptive elements effectively to convey your feelings to your reader. (3 paragraphs,
6 sentences)
Reflect: Does your photo tell an audience everything they would need to know about this event?
What does your story provide that your picture can’t? Is the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand
words” true? (Length open)
Required Journal Entry 9: Comparison and Contrast
Brainstorm: Make a list of all the things you write each day such as texts, status updates,
tweets, emails, reports, essays, and so on. Include all the people you write to or for such as
friends, family, supervisors, instructors, clients, and so on.
Organize: Rearrange the items into two groups that represent formal writing and informal writing
and the audiences who receive each.
Write: Compare and contrast the style of writing you use when you write to friends and family
with the style you use when you write to your coworkers, supervisors, or instructors. How does
your interaction with your audience change? Describe the differences in your tone and your
spelling, grammar, and punctuation. (2 paragraphs, 6 sentences)

Required Journal Entry 10: Definition
Read the definition of plagiarism, including deliberate and accidental
plagiarism, on page 150 in The Little, Brown Essential Handbook.
Define: Prior to reading the definition in the textbook, what did you
believe plagiarism meant? Explain where your definition matched or
fell short of the textbook’s definition. (1 paragraph, 6 sentences)
Reflect: How does this knowledge change the way you approach
your coursework? (1 paragraph, 6 sentences)

Required Journal Entry 11: Cause and Effect
Brainstorm: List the causes that made you decide to return to school. Then add the short-term
effects your decision has had on your life in the present. Finally, include the long-term effects you
hope your decision will have on your future.
Organize: Review the graphic organizers from pages 481–482 in your Successful College Writing
textbook. Choose the organizer that you think would best present the information you brainstormed
to an audience of your fellow Penn Foster classmates and arrange your content using
that format. Remember to include a thesis statement in your graphic organizer. (Length open)

Required Journal Entry 12: Evaluation
Review the patterns of development that you’ve learned and used in your essays and journal
entries in this unit. Explain how each of these patterns of development or organizational methods
will be useful to you in your upcoming courses and your future career. (Length open)

Journal 2
Unit 2: The Writing Process in Action, Entries 7–12
Your journal will be evaluated according to the following requirements:
Ideas and Content: How accurately and effectively you responded to the entry; your writing
focused on the topic of the entry and is based on the correct reading assignments in your texts;
you effectively engaged with the content of the reading assignments and composed thoughtful
original responses to each entry; when required, you cited and documented secondary source
material appropriately and correctly.
Organization: How well prewriting or organizing entries are developed; all paragraphs begin
with an appropriate topic sentence and are developed fully by using examples, illustration, and/or
evidence; each entry meets the required minimum length.
General Correctness: How well entries meet the expectations of college-level academic writing
in the areas of sentence structure, grammar, word choice and spelling, and punctuation.
Format: How accurately you followed the prescribed format for the journal by including the
required header, entry title and date, and used correct margins, font, and line spacing.

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