Java Fractions as Abstract Data Type, programming

What to hand in:
Please hand in code listings and output that are legible and formatted for ease of reading.

Canvas submission instructions:

Please combine multiple files into a single “zip” archive, and save it in a location that you will remember. When you are ready to submit the assignment, open the assignment you are submitting a solution for, and attach your file.

Derive a new kind of Number called Fraction. Give it appropriate methods to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. Also, provide the required methods for a Number (to be sortable, it should also implement Comparable).
Determine some appropriate way to convert a Fraction to a String, and implement the appropriate method. Simply outputting the double equivalent is not a satisfactory answer.
You must provide a method (which could be private) to simplify your Fraction into lowest terms. That method could be used after every operation changing the Fraction, and certainly is required to provide a reasonable comparison operation.
Make sure to implement equals so you have a way to compare Fractions.
Create a main method or test class with a main method with adequate number of test cases to demonstrate that your Fraction behaves appropriately.

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